Here is one of the recolors I did of Ohbehave's Angels Lounge. The other recolor is in contest and will be released shortly. Get Angel Lounge meshes here.
Here are some recolors I did of Tinhouse Country Dining (meshes included) and recolors I did of a few items of Leehee4444's Curio Kitchen Set. Get her meshes here.
Here are some recolors I did of Nash's White Diningroom. I recolored everything in classic black! I also did an extra color of the table, which is in solid black. Get the meshes here.
Here's a little blast from the past, Holy Simoly's Bijoux Wicker Set. I did five (5) recolors of the sofa, loveseat, ottoman and chair and four(4) recolors of the coffee table. Get the meshes at Holy Simoly for recolors to show.
I did six (6) recolors of Reflex Emiliano Livingroom sofa and loveseat. Get the meshes here, go to livingroom in dowloads section and scroll down five.