End of Time+Confidential reaction

Dec 27, 2009 01:15

So I watched EoT1 and then the Confidential a few hours ago and after I spent some time reading other reactions on my flist (not that I didn't do it before watching but now at least I could reply in kind) I think I might as well write down some thoughts here.

1. I'm not sure I can say whether I liked the episode or not, I was most just "♥Ten♥ *clings*" through the whole ep xD But it was definitely fun to watch. Even though HELL OF A CRACKY. And it needed Rose, Rose makes every episode better, trufax *nods*

2. DONNA. I thought she might be getting her memories back after all but in the Confidential RTD was speaking in such an evasive manner and implied that he resisted giving her the part of the main companion and all so now I don't know whether she'll actually get her memories back... I seriously doubt she would die which seems a popular fear but I dunno, with RTD you never know...

3. WILF. OMG he's awesome, "She looks like a cactus" had me lolling for a few minutes. Also:
Doctor: Understand?
Wilf: Not a word.
Doctor: Welcome a board.
Mwah, this just looked like an application for being a companion, like CT said in NMTB that a companion is supposed to be dim XD

I'm really intrigued by what is Wilf background story, like David said in Conf. that the Doctor doesn't know him all that well and nor do we. I really hope they won't kill him off, I don't deal with GrandPas' death well :/

All the Doctor&Wilf's interactions were brilliant and, of course, as everyone else I was touched  by the cafe scene *sniff* Such a good acting *wibble*
This leads us to another point -

4. Regeneration.  WTF? At first he went all "It's me, honestly, it's me" and now he is "Everything that I am dies and there's other bloke gallivating the Universe", waay to help us cope with the regeneration, how *kind* of you, RTD.

5. The Master. Well, people who know me know that I'm not a fan of The Master and now when he's crazier than ever I like him even less, but John Simm did a very impressive acting job, also, all that dresses and costumes he had to try on, poor soul xD His remark about only being able to watch the ep once because it would be too creepy was hilarious and totally understandable.
Lucy gets an honourable mention too, It's a shame that no sooner than I'd started to like her they killed her off but she went real badass, that "TILL DEATH DO US APART" was the best departing line ever. DON'T CONTINUE WITH KILLING MORE CHARACTERS, RTD, LET THEM BE.

6. Gallifrey. Well, I should say I was hoping they won't go that way but as it is, I still don't think Time Lords are back for good, I always thought they were kind of douches anyway and since they are now evil douches it makes sense to destroy them again. So far I really think that RTD brought Time Lords back ONLY TO HAVE THE DOCTOR KILL THEM AGAIN BECAUSE HE WASN'T MISERABLE ENOUGH ALREADY, in RTD's opinion ;D

7. What's to come. Well, of all trailers, I must say, the one that scares me most of all is in the end of the Confidential, where Ten's face is covered in blood and has that pleading desperate look and Wilf is aiming his gun, please, don't make Wilf shoot Ten, RTD, please :/
Also, that battered look Ten has worries me in concern of Rose's scenes in the episode, I thought they were supposed to be in the end but he didn't look that mauled on the promo stills so I don't know whether Rose actually will be the last thing Ten sees before he dies (which would have been dead romantic and shippy and I WANT SHIPPY), I dunno now, we'll see. Even it's not in the end, RTD, GIVE US SOME SHIPPY, IT'S NOT LIKE WE GOT THE BEST CLOSURE TOO, or no real closure at all, more like.

ETA: Who was that foreshadowing woman, any thoughts? Also really loved the music in the ep but not the slashy Doctor/Master scenesxD

Hm, I think, that's it for now, very excited for the second part but NOT READY. TEN, YOU ARE NOT REALLY LEAVING US, ARE YOU.


reaction post, specials, spoilers, doctor who, flailing, not the end of tennant, confidential, doctor/rose

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