Uh, this is kind of weird, but do you happen to be staying at the Tokyo Backpackers`s hotel? Because this journal`s name came up when I was trying to go to mine and typed in livejournal. If so, hey. We`re staying in the same place. I swear I`m not creepy, I`m just curious because it looks like we have a lot in common. Sorry if I`ve got the wrong person and O HAY if you are here.
Haha, totally meant to mention that the main reason is that it looks like we have a lot in common, but then I went and used an icon from a fandom that`s not even vaguely related to what we may or may not have in common.
Hiya lol yep I am staying at the Tokyo Backpackers. I'm (Briony) the girl with dark red/purple hair, glasses and the white hello kitty bag which i always carry rpund with me so feel free to say hiya or anything :)
woah nice site, and your music on there is Daite Senorita my favorite song haha and actor and singer but still, btw its your clone from Manchester /Yamapi,Tori,Miura Haruma Fan girl haha add me :)
Comments 33
btw do you mind if i friend you?
this is strife_girl's new lj, hope it's okay i've re-added you.
if not, then just let us know ♥
nah it's fine :D I'll add you back now!
Your layout is cool, BTW.
Can i be added? ^^
We have a lot in common.
I'll friend you back now!
Just wanted to greet you~ ^.^
Look around, and post comments & BL-stuff~ and if you have any questions, feel free to ask ~.^
Please read and post a comment here:
If you don't, you'll get deleted... sorry, it's a check-thing ^.^'
~ Sincerely, Chrisa [HappyPurinsu] - founder of BxB [InS]
*Sorry about writing it here - but because of all the members joining lately, I have reached my limits about sending messages ^.^'
[Oh, Haruma~ =^.^=]
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