Heres ANOTHER survey. haha yeah i know! i love these things!
Name: Tessa Burton
Sex: Female
Birthday: 10-4
Where do you live: Big Stone Gap
Where else have you lived: no where
What state: Virginia
Zodiac Sign: libra
What school do you go to: Powell Valley
What is your mascot: Vikings
What are your school colors: Red, White, and Blue
Nicknames: Tess
Where were you born: St.Mary's
What are your hobbies: sports,bein with friends..etc etc
Hair color: brown
Ever dyed your hair: once
What color: a caramel color
Hair length: past my shoulders
Eye color: blue
Height: 5"8
Have any pets: 5 cats-Sis,Zo,Bella,Slugger,&Drew 1 dog-Brownie and 2 puppies- Duke & Jake
Siblings: i brother and 1 sister
Names and age: Evan-19 and Haley-17
What do you fear most in the world: death
What do you regret the most: a lot of things..
If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be?: what *wouldnt* i do?! haha
Do you have braces: yes
What color? clear
Do you have glasses: contacts
Are you good at school: yes
Shoe size: 9 1/2
Car: H2
Color: red,blue,and orange
Class: none
Day of the week: Friday and Saturday
Holiday: Christmas
Season: Fall
Month: July
Movie: Love and Basketball
T.V. show: lots
Food: anything Italian or Mexican
Band: 3 Doors Down
Brand of shoes: depends on what -kind- of shoe
Radio station: 94.9 or 96.9
CD: a burnt one
Pizza Topping: Pepperoni and sometimes Sausage
Number: 2
Ice cream flavor: Vanilla
-- FRiENDS *
best friends: Lauren,Morgan,Bekah,Erika,Hae and Kae
Spend most time with: all
Best house: Morgan
Funniest: Bekah
Smartest: Morgan
Hottest: They are all beautiful!
Strongest: Bekah
Most athletic: All
Knows you the best: all 3 of them
Most outgoing: Morgan
Most shy: None!
Always negative: None
Most trustworthy: All of them
Most fun to be with: All of them
Biggest flirt: Morgan! lol
Best dressed: All of them
Most depressed: None
One to gossip with: All of them
Do you make friends easily: Yeah!
Are you intimidated by any of your friends: Nope
Who do u think would help u the most if u were in trouble: All of them
Who do u think would risk their life to save yours: Hopefully All of them
Who is the most popular: All of them
Who is the most unpopular: None
Who do u want to go to college with: All of them
Who do u wish could be part of your family: All of them
Who do you have the most inside jokes with: Lauren or Morgan?!
-- FRiENDS-2- *
Names of your best friends: Lauren,Morgan,Bekah,Erika,Hae and Kae
What do u like about them?: they're all so different from each other, but in a good way..
Who are they dating?: Lauren - Brandon, Morgan- No one, Bekah - Nick, Erika - Delmas, Hae- No one, Kae- Corey
Who have you known the longest?: Kaley or Erika
The shortest?: Lauren
Who do you spend the most time with?: Lauren,Morgan, and Bekah
Where are they from?: Powell Valley
Red or Blue: red
Pretzels or Potato Chips: Potato Chips
Jeans or Khakis: Jeans
Comedy or Drama: Comedy
Computer or TV: Computer
Gold or Silver: Silver
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing
Tall or Short: tall
Breakfast or Dinner: Dinner
Day or Night: Night
Radio or Cd's: Cd's.
Internet or Phone: thats a tough one
98 degrees or O town: hm.. fags or fags?! lol neither
Happy or sad: Happy
Guy or girl: Guy
Sexy or Cute: Cute and Sexy
Tuff or wimpy: Tuff
Strong or weak: Strong
Funny or hilarious: Hilarious
Summer or winter: Summer
Love or lust: Love
Friends or family: family and friends
Car or truck: Car
Dog or cat: Dog
Walk or run: Run
Inside or outside: either
Hurricane or Tornado: neither
Rain or snow: snow
Hail or sleet: hail
Sunny or cloudy: Sunny
Loud or quiet: loud sometimes, quiet sometimes
McDonald's or Burger king: Burger King
Hardee's or Arby's: Arby's
Rebel or goodie goodie: both
Coffee or tea: Tea
Coke or pepsi: Coke
Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper: Dr.Pepper
White chocolate or normal chocolate: Normal
Britney or Christina: neither
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
Diary or journal: Journal
Writing or typing: typing
Cold or hot: cold
Pen or pencil: lead pencil
Candle or insence: Candle
Plain paper or lined paper: Lined
Blonde or brunette: brunette
Curly or straight: either
Blanket or sleeping bag: Blanket
Shower or bath: shower
Body wash or soap: body wash
Perfume or Body spray: either?
Wal-mart or target: Target
American Eagle or Abercrombie: American Eagle
Hamburgers or hotdogs: Hot dogs
Chicken or turkey: either
Shorts or pants: either
Tank tops or t-shirts: tank tops
Mandy moore or Jessica Simpson: Mandy Moore
Spanish or German: Spanish
Markers or colored pencils: Markers
Nike or Adidas: Nike
Mercedes or BMW: BMW
Army or Navy: Navy
Orange or grape: orange
Lime or lemon: lime
Striped or plaid: Striped
Innie or outie: Innie
Hot tub or sauna: Hot tub
Land or water: Water
Sneeze or cough: Cough
Skittles or M&M's: Skittles
Truth or dare: Dare
SNL or mad tv: SNL
Megann or Meghan: Megann
Lacey or Lacy: Lacey
Steven or Stephen: Stephen
Kurt or Curt: Curt
Mark or Marc: Mark
Brandi or Brandy: Brandy
Eric or Erik: Eric
Corrine or Carine: Carine
Kari or Carrie: Carrie
Jackie or Jackqui: Jackie
Deseray or Desirae: Desirae
Ashley or Ashleigh: Ashley
Their or there: There
Two, too, or to: to
Here or hear: Here
-- LOVE LiFE *
Do you have a boyfriend: Nope
Whats his name: n/a
If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: lol hard question..
If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: *above*
Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: dumper
Do you think there is a person for everyone: yep
If yes, do you know who yours is: definitley not!
Do you believe in love at first sight: nah
Have you ever been in love: not really
What do you like about your crush or b/f: if i started, i wouldnt stop :)
Name of your current boyfriend?: dont have one..
What did/didn't u like about him?: n/a
How long have yall been dating?: n/a
Who asked who out?: n/a
Who got yall together?: n/a
Is he kin to any of your friends?: n/a
-- PAST *
First grade teacher's name: Mrs.Parsons
Last song you sang: Outkast
Last person you flipped off: um Lauren i think?!
Last song stuck in your head: Milkshake - Kellis
What line/verse: " dang right its better than yours.. "
Last time you bled: this morning
Thanksgiving break was very much needed! ive slept until 12 everyday, ate decent food, and just watched TV all day. i love it! morgan's been in NC and bekah's in TN, so ive missed them like crazy!! lauren spent the night last night and oh man! haha we had so much fun! i really have no idea what i would do without her. i think me her and morgan are doing something tomorrow? we were supposed to go to the mall.. but that didnt work out! so hopefully something will come about.
HALEY GOT ACCEPTED TO UVA!! ah, im so happy for her! we were on our way to Kingsport, and she just started crying and shaking! im not so excited about it though, because i mean we actually dont fight anymore. im definitley going to miss her like crazy! Virginia suits her though. :(