May 04, 2007 02:29
I am radical, but I also hate getting into fights with people in-person. I am a short woman and the power dynamics of having to look up at men to yell at them, despite the fact that I am loud, opinionated, and JUSTIFIED, make me not like to do it unless I am REALLY mad. There are very few things that will get me so mad that I want to punch a boy scout, but I get REALLY mad about Order of the Arrow. There are probably things in life I should get madder about than smarmy white guys talking about how liberal their lutheran demonination is, and then bragging about their boy scout service organization, that dresses up as Indians and holds secret ceremonies, but I can't help it. It makes me mad enough to tell strangers that they are racist, and storm out of a party.
Sorry dudes, I think you're really fucked up and gross and so do my Lenape activist friends. (Did you know your ceremonies were stolen from their tribe? Do you think it would be any more appropriate for a predominately white organization to use African dance to impart their militaristic european values in the same way that you use Native dances? I didn't think so...)
LET ALONE the fact that if you are bragging about the fact that your liberal christian church accepts gay people that being an active Boy Scout pretty much negates any feel-good liberal cred you might have.
So, this really fucking pisses me off. And it's really not open to discussion, unless your reaction is "Shit, I didn't realize the power dynamics of white Boy Scouts using Native American traditions were at all problematic, where can I find out more about this specific brand of cultural appropriation and how can I be a better anti-racist ally?" Then I'll talk to you. Otherwise, I'm just really fucking pissed off. Send nurses.