This song is one of the song in NICO's Humania Album..
This one is actually my favorite even if this song song is sooooo~ cheesy.. LOL
in M-ON special, micchan said that he dedicated this song to himself as a present for his 26th bday.. and declare that this is the most romantic song in the album..
since I have to retyped the lyrics, I think I'm gonna
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Comments 7
sebenernya mnurut gw ini lagu ga keju2 amat, cuma emang lagu cinta yg ya..yaa... gitu d bisa ngomong krn gw sendiri kok deg2an baca transletan lagu ini, secara ini lagu micchan, dan gw kebetulan penggemar lagu "keju" juga.. (apasih, gw ngelantur)
but honestly, gw rada siyok micchan membuat lagu ini untuk dirinya, dia abis putus cinta ato lg pny unrequited love sama seseorang *haduh mas, situ ngaku aja deh sama saya, pasti saya trima dengan... sah* ;p
soal tom & meg... td gw blg sleepless in seattle, krn dia nyebut "on the night where stars floats at the top of an empty building "... tp gw lupa... si u've got mail ada adegan atap gedung juga ga yaa? *brusaha mengingat*, tp setau gw adegan hits atap gedung itu SIS... tapi ya, klo si micchan tnyta ntn SIS dan YGM, brarti... aaaaa... micchan ... so sweet....
nb : mohon maaf, ini komen apa ranting-an sih =____= LOL
endlessly listen to it makes me discover things one after another.. and tonight is the peak since it's already long weekend..
but still say that this is a cheesy one bukan lebay kyk lagu2ny si abang.. some sentence is over expressed but still got the sweeeeeeet essence..
gw jg g tau knp bs dia buat ini lagu.. mungkin di hotel tempat dia nginep, salah satu channelnya lg masang SIS kali ya..
pokoknya huurrraaaaay~ micchan galau~
but somehow, seems like something happened inside of him that he's been wanting to express it for quite long time, perhaps,he's been holding his feeling to someone that impossible to have for long relationship? *asal bkn bini org aja sih ;p*..(ini hanya pikiran soktaw gw yg ngasal, LOL) tp bisa jg saking kreatifnya, ini lagu terinspirasi cuma gara2 doi lagi nonton SIS yak.. xD
cheesy but sweet , yah lagunya kayak martabak manis yg keju coklat nikmat #krikkrik
seperti martabak keju coklat pk susu dan berlimpah butter.. *laper*
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