[Ema does not condone violence against drones, regardless of circumstances; she operates on the theory that drones are people trapped a layer further in this Mayfield mess than everyone else, not empty bodies ripe for abuse and torture. As such, she marches over to the gory scene, trying to keep her shudder to a minimum.]
A and hodang Y FOREVER.teutonictraitorOctober 13 2010, 01:46:10 UTC
[[Somebody has stolen a few scalpels from the hospital. Can you guess who? Hint: It's this guy. He's not wearing his uniform, as he still hasn't fixed it all the way from their last fight, and is so ready for some revenge. Guntram is a ways away from Fritz, but he's definitely locked on target.]]
Fritz! [[He is yelling and is just general raaaaaage.]] How about you hold still for a second und let me kill you, bitte? It vould make zhis much easier for zhe both of us!
[How did Fritz know this was going to happen? Then again, he was practically inviting it. He needs to slice someone's head from their shoulders, and it may as well be Guntram's.]
Let you kill me? I vhould razher drink a whole case of zhat foul Bonk! Come here und fight me like a man!
Ah, if I fought you like a man, I vould break your bones far too soon, fraulein! Und I vant to make zhis last, Fritz. [[Guntram is right up there near you now, aiming a good slash with the scalpel at Fritz. He's not even going to wait for this.]]
[Theo's walking home from another cigarette run when he stumbles across you. He stands there for a moment, frowning - but isn't he always - and watching this with morbid curiosity.]
So just... right in the middle of the street, huh.
Hmph. Droning is only a minor setback. Und as for any do-gooder -- I could easily lay zhem out on zhe sidevhalk and have zheir liver out before zhey could even start begging.
[Not in this state, he couldn't, but he's rather gleeful. It's been a while since he's disemboweled anyone.]
Because it is zhe place most likely to be undisturbed by basements or underground piping und vhiring. Und I believe it iz vhere zhe respawn is being housed.
Comments 76
Are you looking for something?
After a fashion, ja. If you vhere to bury somezhing in zhe ground here, vhere vhould you do it? Somezhing big?
I'm unsure. How big are you talking?
[Ema does not condone violence against drones, regardless of circumstances; she operates on the theory that drones are people trapped a layer further in this Mayfield mess than everyone else, not empty bodies ripe for abuse and torture. As such, she marches over to the gory scene, trying to keep her shudder to a minimum.]
What the hell are you doing?!
Fritz! [[He is yelling and is just general raaaaaage.]] How about you hold still for a second und let me kill you, bitte? It vould make zhis much easier for zhe both of us!
Let you kill me? I vhould razher drink a whole case of zhat foul Bonk! Come here und fight me like a man!
[[Guntram is right up there near you now, aiming a good slash with the scalpel at Fritz. He's not even going to wait for this.]]
[Well jeez Guntram if that's how you want it to be, Fritz is just gonna lunge back at you with that knife. MUTUALCRIT?]
So just... right in the middle of the street, huh.
I don't see vhy not.
[Not in this state, he couldn't, but he's rather gleeful. It's been a while since he's disemboweled anyone.]
Ummm, are you looking for something?
Evidence of an underground structure. Heff you seen anyzhing?
Sorry, I haven't seen anything...
...If you don't mind me asking, why do you think there's an underground structure in the park? [She's genuinely curious here.]
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