a few photos

Jul 21, 2003 02:05

$50 dollars to develop two rolls of film, and it took a week!?! AND they didn't include the index file or something, oh but I can go back and get it anytime, for free? Usually free would be good, but when something is $50 and they screw up, I want money...BACK. Those wenches.


This is half the wedding party. At the rehearsal wedding.
From left to right. Stephanie(bride), Mike(groom), Brian, Me, Ben, and Sean.


This is at the rehearsal dinner. Uhh...It would be a long story to tell about these pictures. And I really don't feel like telling it right now. Take it however you'd like. hehe

I needed to waste film, because I only had a few exposures left. And I didn't want Kevin to have to change rolls during the wedding. So, I needed to take a few pictures. And low and behold a couple of cute girls, so I snapped a few pictures while I was driving back to the chapel. Fun fun. The second picture the girl in the white shirt saw me snap a picture, I think she was kind of freaked out. hehe

This picture is kind of dull, but if you look closely. At everyone's pockets, you'll see a nice colorful object. Those are squirt guns. And they were used in the professional photos, which I do not have at this time, but man I REALLY need some copies. haha

All the guys together. Just before the wedding.

Bride and groom, now husband and wife.

Brian and Ben right after the wedding ceremony. Our legs were a tad sore.

The full wedding party.
From left to right: Elizabeth, Alexis, Leila, Ma rah, Stephanie, Mike, Brian, Me, Ben, and Sean.


I talked about the tow truck briefly awhile ago. How I overheated in Cle Elum. A good 150 miles from home? Yeah. So, the car overheats. Mike's parents stop behind us after 30 minutes, drive us to a gas station. Pick up some anti-freeze. Go back to the car, get the car cooled down. Start it up? Nope. Paula and her boyfriend show up 30 minutes after that. He tells me, "Oh your timing belt is shot." SHIT. The car isn't going to start. Call the infamous tow truck; hour later he shows up. All right he drives around my right side to hook the car up. Yup. Get's stuck in the soft ground right next to that sign.

All right, one crap car. One stuck tow truck. One very frustrated and pissed off guy. (that's me.) The truck driver tries to use my car as an anchor to pull himself out. 30 Minutes later. Doesn't work.

That semi is the saviour. Although it took another 30 minutes just to get the stupid truck out and finally hook up the car and drive home. It was one looong trip home.

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