Welp, vacation started today. And I'm heading out for our little roadtrip starting tomorrow morning. We have minor plans. Definetly heading south to San Fran. Then hopefully easternly direction towards Las Vegas! Gone untill next saturday the 27th. =D
Umm...I get a three day weekend. Finally. Been working a lot. It'll be something like 110 hours this paycheck. Lots of overtime. More money
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Worked a lot this week. Really tired. I only get a days rest. Then have to work saturday. Maybe. Hopefully not. Umm...picking up Sean today and then later tonight a bunch of us are going up to Bellingham to do some indoor rock climbing.
Oh yeah, I got a tattoo like a week ago. It's really cool. On my right forearm.
i DONT want to work christmas eve. who works on christmas eve? obviously me.
that makes me angry.
i dont care that it's only for a few hours. i wasnt even planning on being in town. i have to drive 4hours. and if i work at 1-2pm for a few hours thats 4-5 o'clock. enough math.
Yesterday sucked. I had plans to give Sean a call and see if he was busy. Go to the mall and get some christmas shopping done. And figure out the LoTR tickets, because I'm still not sure when I'm going. (better be soon
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