and I finished!
I reread both OOTP and HBP this week. UPS delivered DH around 1:30. I finished HBP around 3 and started DH at 4. Finished about an hour and a half ago and figured I would post a few impressions.
The "epilogue". Ugh. Should have been left without. How syrupy sweet can you get? Though my appreciation for Ron did grow in this book I still don't see Ron and Hermione happy as a long term couple. And it should be Harry and Luna not Harry and Ginny. BTW, exactly who did Victoire belong too? She was referred to as a she Ron and Hermione's then or does she belong to one of the Weasley's?
The Tonks and Remus storyline...not just their deaths which felt like an afterthought, but also the bit where Remus was going to leave Tonks to go with Harry while Tonks was pregnant! It felt like Remus regretted the relationship? And that he wasn't happy at all...even before that scene. Maybe he did just "give in" and accept the relationship because others told him too (referring back to HBP where it was figured out that Tonks was in love with Remus). So maybe Remus was never in love with Tonks but thought it was the only chance at normal he would have? Or maybe I'm just reading too much into what JKR did and did not do with the two of them in this book.
Hedwig's death.
I am AMBIVALENT about:
Viktor's appearance. I think it was great that he was included in the book at all. As soon as Gregorovitch was mentioned I knew he would show up. And how great that he essentially provided the information that started the Hallows storyline. BUT...I wanted more of him! Great line about what use is being a Quidditch star when the good looking girls are taken (referring to first Hermione 'sort of' being with Ron and then Ginny)
Nearly everything else.
That the Malfoy's did turn out to be more redeemable than thought. The theories by others that Malfoy didn't have his heart in it (based on the fact that he didn't hurt/kill the kids in the Ministry during OOTP) turned out to be somewhat true. Lucius and Narcissa where motivated by their desire to protect and love for Draco.
The resolution/redemption of Kreacher.
The backstory finally about Snape. His history and relationship with Lily and that he really was 'Dumbledore's Man' too.
Primary death toll as I recall: Hedwig, Mad Eye, Dobby, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Snape.