Yeah- I'm sorry, I don't date bat-shit, crazy AI's, O'Malley. Maybe find one of the OTHER AI'. They might be interested.
Yeah- Can I give you my suggestion? How about! You come to me! But don't jump into me just yet. I make sure all the radio's are down so you have no where to jump and kill you?
I DID NOT MEAN IT IN THAT WAY!! YOU'RE WORSE THAN THIS FOOL!! I do not cross-breed! Human! And you will find there is a strange lack of DECENT female programed AI's.
I like my way! It involves less killing of me! And More killing of kittens! WE CAN RIP OUT THEIR SPINES AND FEED IT TO THEM! BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Sure- I'll believe you, Omega. You know, it's best not to admit feelings to the Freelancer you're assigned to. You might just get re-assigned. Again. Hopefully, forever. Hey! There's one or two, don't be so hasty!
I like my way more! It involves more killing of you and a more happy, more relaxed me. Ha.Ha.Ha.
Comments 8
Why don't you come back to me, Tex?! I can make you powerful again! And remember your birthday! BWUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAA!
Yeah- Can I give you my suggestion? How about! You come to me! But don't jump into me just yet. I make sure all the radio's are down so you have no where to jump and kill you?
I like my way better.
I like my way! It involves less killing of me! And More killing of kittens! WE CAN RIP OUT THEIR SPINES AND FEED IT TO THEM! BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Freelancer you're assigned to. You might just get re-assigned. Again. Hopefully, forever. Hey! There's one or two, don't be so hasty!
I like my way more! It involves more killing of you and a more happy, more relaxed me. Ha.Ha.Ha.
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