sorry for the delay, I was kinda sick the past few days D:
But I'm feeling better now, so here we go :)
The theme for this challenge will be: Your favorite movie!
That's right, you can choose the movie you want to quote in your icon!
Also, since this is the last challenge, I'll give everyone a chance to gain some extra-points: You may submit up to 2 icons! (depending on how many entries we get, there might be more overall points to win^^)
So yeah, make one or two icons quoting your favorite movie (can also be different movies if you make 2 icons); a few sites with lots of movie quotes: The usual rules apply...
- the icon has to meet LJ standards, i.e. no bigger than 100x100px and 40kb, allowed format are .png, .jpg, .gif
- the icon you enter has to be new and made by you
- do not post or use your icon anywhere before the challenge is over, i.e. the results have been announced
- text, brushes, textures, blending, animations etc. are allowed
- you may only submit if you're on the participants list (see below)
- if you can't enter this challenge for whatever reason, you may skip it, but please keep in mind that you will not get any points for it then. Also, if you decide to skip, please let me know
- deadline: Friday, 21st December 2007 (if you need an extension let me know, I know life can be a bit hectic around this time of the year^^)
a_boleyn1230 *entered*
dragonflyopera *entered*
eviltera *entered*
lady_boromir overevery sidhex3 *entered*
tyniere entered: 04/07