Title or description: In which Teyla is awesomely badass
Recipient's name:
frith_in_thornsThe prompt or prompts used: Action, friendship with Keller or/and Sam
Rating: PG for violence perhaps?
Warnings: Could be a bit graphics heavy?
plain version of the second wall gifs
badass teyla 1 :
http://i56.tinypic.com/1z212qx.jpgbadass teyla 2 :
http://i52.tinypic.com/zioitv.jpg (as above)
badass teyla 3 :
http://i52.tinypic.com/2mo7dir.jpg fanmix
(or, really, songs that remind me of teyla)
bulletproof - la roux
angel with attitude - the ditty bops
travelling woman - bat for lashes
one girl revolution - superchick
and the inspiration for the title :
ocean city girl - ivy