Welcome to tf_reversebang! :D
What is a reverse bang?
It’s like a Big Bang, only the art is created first. Artists create a work, then authors claim a work as their inspiration and write a story based on it. At the end, art and fic are posted side by side.
What’s the schedule?
Artist and author sign-ups open: 16 February
Artist sign-ups close: 08 March
Deadline for art submissions: 31 May
Claiming post goes live: 01 June
Claiming opens: 02 June
Deadline for stories: 23 August
Posting begins: 01 September
Artist Sign-ups |
Author Sign-ups I don’t have an LJ account, can I still take part?
Sure. You can use OpenID, get yourself a free sock account, or comment anon with a username at the beginning or end of the comment to identify yourself.
So how does it work?
As an artist, you create a piece of Transformers fanart specially for this challenge. On or before the deadline, you send me a copy of your finished work and a header (my email address is ultharkitty at gmail dot com). I will post your work to google drive, and adjust the settings so that anyone who has the link can view the work. I will then make a list of the headers and links for the claiming post.
Art will be as anonymous as it’s possible to be. Artists tend to have distinctive individual styles, and people may be able to guess who you are, but I ask the comm as a whole not to speculate.
Authors will then be able to view the headers and artworks so they can choose which image to claim.
When a work has been claimed, I will delete it from google drive, strike through the summary on the claiming post, and send a copy of the image to your author.
If you make minor changes to the work after that date, you will need to send an updated copy directly to the author.
Art must be created specifically for this fest.
Author and artist will be given each other's contact details. It's not mandatory to get in touch, but we strongly recommend it. Although this isn't a gift fest, we want you to be able to enjoy the story inspired by your art, so let your author know if you have any Do Not Wants/squicks/anything that would mean you couldn't read the story.
What do you mean by artwork?
Minimum contribution from artists is one
representational/figurative (non-abstract) picture with a background, made using traditional or digital media, either monochrome or in colour.
If it’s made using traditional media, you will need to make a good quality reproduction for posting online.
This image can be any genre, any rating, any figurative artistic style (including stylised work), and incorporate any AU elements (humanised, robot babies, everyone’s a squid, that kind of thing). It can relate to any Transformers canon, and include any characters.
Sequential art is allowed up to three panels, no speech or thought bubbles, no descriptive labels. Any text must be within the image itself (for example writing on someone’s arm or a poster on a wall).
Crossovers between Transformers canons are welcome, but not crossovers with other works.
I like working to prompts, will there be any?
When you sign up, you can ask me to send you a set of five prompts. You can use any or all of these. If those prompts don't work for you I can send more, or you can use something else.
Prompts will be general, and geared towards visual media. You can use them however you like.
Can I submit more than one work?
You can submit up to three unconnected works.
What information do I need to give you when I submit my artwork?
Artworks must be accompanied by a header with this information:
Title: (Title is entirely optional. You can hold off and name your work at the end of the fest, or decide not to name it at all.)
Content advice/warnings (genre, any AU elements, common squicks and triggers, method of robot smut etc.):
Can I post my art elsewhere before the deadline?
In keeping with the spirit of the fest, please wait until stories are completed and fiction and art have been posted together before crossposting your work.
How does posting work?
Posting to AO3 is recommended, as you will be able to make a post with the story and the art in the same place. If you’d rather host your work elsewhere, you will need to discuss that with your author, and let me know your decision.
So how does it work?
Authors can sign up at any point until all images are claimed.
Authors commit to writing a story of a minimum of 3000 words. Authors can set themselves a word count goal between 3k and 20k words. There is no maximum, no matter what your goal.
Authors will get to read the summaries and see the artwork before claiming. Once you’ve made a claim, I will send you a copy of the image, and put you in contact with your artist.
It's not mandatory, but we'd encourage you to chat with your artist about the plot of the story you’re writing. Avoid including elements that your artist would be uncomfortable reading. This is not a gift fest, but we do want artists to be able to enjoy the stories they've inspired.
Do I need a beta?
Having your fic beta read is recommended, but it’s not mandatory. Your fic must be complete and edited before the deadline. You may continue to make corrections after the deadline provided the story is complete and postable on the deadline.
What if I’m not online when claiming goes live?
The claiming post will go live one day before claiming opens. Comments will be restricted for that day, this will allow authors to view the artworks and have a think before they make their choice.
Proxies are allowed on the claiming post. If you’re not online when claiming opens, you can get another user to make the claim on your behalf. You will then confirm your claim as soon as you can.
How does posting work?
Posting to AO3 is recommended, as you will be able to make a post including the fic and the art in the same place. If you’d rather host your work elsewhere, you will need to discuss that with your artist, and let me know your decision.
What about posting to this community?
At the end of the fest when author and artist have posted their work together, make a header using this template and post it to the tf-reversebang community.
We'll schedule this closer to the time.
Title(s): (this gives the titles of both the fic and the artwork)
Content advice/warnings:
If you have any questions, please ask in the comments :D