The participation icon. :)
The participation icon for this week. :)
The Prompts
#1 Setting: training/boot camp/etc
#2 Pulling gees
#3 Task: mythology! What sorts of myths/religious stories do Cybertronians have?
A Picture#5 Blue moon
#6 Song:
VNV nation: space and time Song:
A Picture
Tarot Card:
- (Prompt #)
__wilderness__ ace_of_the_arts anon_feather arirashkae artemis10002000 ayngelcat-
Wrong Concoction (Prompt #4)
blitzbrained caiusmajor casusfere crimsonseastorm niyazi_a-
Parade Rest (Prompt #1)
The next writing day starts Saturday, 08 Sep 2012
naboru :)