Stats post, Sat 13 Oct 2012

Oct 19, 2012 22:25

Stats time :D

Icon 13 Oct

The Prompts

#1 Write a story in which, at some point, somebody says: “I’m sorry things haven’t turned out the way you wanted.”
#2 “Big fish in a small pond.”
#3 A character gets sent somewhere which makes them distinctly uncomfortable. This can be because it holds bad memories, creeps them out, is a favourite spot for attack by enemies, etc. No limit on subject matter! Describe the experience.
#4 And conversely - a character gets sent somewhere that makes them incredibly happy. For whatever reason. Describe the experience.
#5 "History always repeats.”
#6 A Picture


- Break-Ups (Prompt #1)
- The Past Repeats Itself (Prompt #3)
- Down to Business (Prompt #2)

The next writing day starts Saturday, 20 Oct 2012

naboru :)

!stats post

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