Stats post, Sat 20 October 2012

Oct 26, 2012 16:24

Stats time :D

Remember, in a few hours, the first prompt of the Speedwriting Spam Weekend will be up!
Happy Halloween writing! :3

Icon 20 Oct

The Prompts

#1 Countdown to liftoff
#2 Scenario: a character and his worst enemy/grudge are trapped together (handcuffed, maybe? In jail? stuck on a derelict spaceship? Something else?)
#3 Task: Borrowed title: take the title of a song, movie, book, whatever and turn it into the title and inspiration for a story.
#4 Definitive action
#5 Setting: a balcony overlooking a city
#6 Song: Break Me Down by Red


- Lessons in Farewells (Prompt #1)
- Unwelcome Guest (Prompt #2)

- Above Vos (Prompt #5)

!stats post

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