pellimusprime- I miss you. ;__;
- Let's okey some beddy dues.
- You are made of win, and your little dog too (so cute!).
pl2363- so sweet and caring I'm so glad I met you. So happy that we became friends. Will always be here for you.
- i'm so glad for the chance to get to know you! you're a wonderful person. <3
- Keep on writing! It always makes me smile. You have so much talent! You're icons are amazing!
- your stories are awesome and never fail to make me smile, and your crafting abilities are some of the best I've ever seen
- Your fingers are magic! Your brain is magic! YOU are magic and I love you!
playswithworms- I know no one who is as sweet and wonderful, and you can make anything, anything, ANYTHING cute. It's great, and I wish you the best of everything!
- I'd call you a kindred spirit except I think your spirit is the kind I want mine to be more like. <3 You are a major force for joy and happiness in life, the universe and Everything! <3 <3 <3
- Thank so much for all the wonderful stories that make me smile every time
- Seeing a post by you always cheers me up.
- your fic is awesome and you are awesome.
- You're a real sweetheart!
poptartodoom- You are like every best most nostalgic favorite childhood poptart flavor ever not just mixed but brought on one by one to be enjoyed like a glorious parade. Tart and poppy! You are good and true and you deserve every happiness!
- i know things are hard and look bleak, but you area wonderful person with great credentials and you WILL find an employer who you deserve. you're going to get through this and i'll be here to cheer you on. <3
- I love your jewelry! It's all so nifty!
- You are talented, smart, funny, and wonderful!
primusatemyleg- You're always so much fun to talk to, and you have the best music collection!
- Everywhere you go, you bring a party.
- I’m so glad we’ve met. It was a great time, and I hope we can meet again and talk about robots and ALL THE THINGS! :D
- You have a great sense of the absurd.
rageai- I miss you and hope to the Pit RL will finally give you a break for a change so we can get together again. You're awesome and a much better person than you give yourself credit for.
ragnarok_08- I'm glad you're my friend. <3
raisedbymoogles- Your generosity and compassion knows no bounds, and I love you to bits and pieces!
ravynfyre- I'm so thankful to have you in my life. You've been a solid, supporting presence with a literal shoulder to cry on when I really needed it. I'm in your debt. <3
- Your strength and power of positive thought are an inspiration to me. <3
remnantmachine- You are such a cutie! It's been an honor to get to know you.
- Thankyou <3 I won't say what for, because I wouldn't be anon.
renegadewriter8- I hope everything goes well with school. I'd love to see more of your Transformer stories, you do such a wonderful job.
rusty_chevy- Your jeweler y is fantastic! It always makes me smile!
ryagelle- You're awesome. I hope RL gives you a break soon so you can reconnect with fandom and the people who miss you.
saesama- Thank you for being you and doing what you do and you are massively awesome and talented! <3
sakiku- To a really creative spirit with an incredible grasp a language which is not your first. Writing with you is joy.
sakon76- I am delighted and honored to have gotten to know you a little better. You are amazing and so full of imagination and humor and so many arts and graces!
- You fics are amazing, and I wish you good luck on your book! I also hope you keep writing fanfiction for a long time yet. :)
sammy_phoenix- Getting to know you has been wonderful. I love seeing your drawings, playtime photos and knitting projects!
- you are an awesome person and I love to see your drawings
seekernami- Happy Valentines mon amie Nami!!! /snugglescontigo <3
sideslip_tfshaaraseekershibara_ffnet- Despite what you say I DO think your talent is something to be envied. BECAUSE you are not only talented, but you are also a real sweetheart. I love your Livestream. It never fails to make me smile, and honestly, for a while there I needed all the smile I could get. It hasn't been the best of years for me, there has been way too much stress, and in a little way you helped me get through that (cause I swear the little things help more than the big sometimes.) Thank you. <3
- If I loved you any more, we'd be considered married in some countries.
- You are an amazingly talented artist, and I am honored to have gotten to know you.
- I love your art, and you're so sweet! I'm glad to know you.
- Watching you create art is like magic. You're so talented, and thoroughly lovely too <3
- Your artwork is so amazing -- thank you very, very much for sharing all those great drawings! (and of course the plushies -- never forget the plushies!)
sol_anemone- You have too many awesome qualities to list! How about kind, thoughtful, interesting, special and a great friend for starters? Thank you for being there in hard times. Many hugs <3
spacehussy- FLOG ME- I mean ilu and you crack my shit up, never stop being a BAMF.
- Happy Valentines Ons!<3
- Running the askblog with you is always really fun, however inactive it is, and I can't thank you enough for sticking with me through all the dumb stuff in my life! <3
- I love your art and your writing. I hope everything goes right for you <3
- Thank you!
- You... you. I just really adore you. I adore you with Vortex on top (or on the bottom, wherever you prefer). I adore you so much I'd scratch at your door. Thank you for being my friend.
- I miss talking to you, maybe one day I'll get up the courage to do it again.
- Your art is fun, hot and hilarious. It always makes my day.
spectrumpheonix- Love hearing from you! <3
stardancer- I love you, forever and ever.
- You're a beautiful, wonderful person. I love having you as a friend. Happy Valentines <3
- stardance, I'm so glad I got to meet you last year, you're a truly wonderful person and great to chat with. Plus, you write stunning fics :D
swindleslog- Your posts on Tumblr always make me smile.
swordagesunnysideofblue- I love your stories so much. I don't think I've said it enough, but you are amazingly talented, and you never fail to astound me.
tainry- Your fics are amazing, and I hope you continue to share them with us. Thank you for Borealis, it's been a fun read so far.
taralynden- Best wishes to you this year.
- I hope you have a really lovely Valentines Day with your sweetie, and selfish look forward to when you start posting your amazing words again.
teh_gelfling- I hope you had a wonderful valentines day. I also hope everything works out for you this year. <3 I also....hope you update your fics. Because, seriously, I love them.
thalanee- You've done a wonderful job making me smile with your stories.
- Your always willing to help and offer advice i would never even think of. You write some pretty awesome stories as well.
the_starhorse- Your comics always brighten my day and I anticipate more of your awesomeness!
Your artwork and photo comics are much love and bring lots of smiles.
themadterran- I love you so very, very, very much. I don't say it enough, but I would like to think you know I do.
thepheonixqueen- You are smart and amazing. I have to say I feel like a better person for having known you and talked to you, and I REALLY appreciate all of the support you've given me over the past couple of months. <3 You are a good friend and an even better muse. =3;dr: I <3 you.
thousanth- I wish I could be as straight forward as you. It's refreshing and I'm glad I know you if only over the Internet.
- Love your writing, and your level head!
- I am forever in your debt for the introductions you have given me to many wonderful things!
- So glad I got to know you - you're an interesting, thoughtful and special person. Thanks for being my friend <3
- I'm in awe of your talent. And your nails.
toyzintheattik- stay awesome, babe! you kick ass! <3
- I love your fics :)
trans_crazytv_the_suetwilit_wanderer- Your witty, wry commentary on life and games and everything makes me miss things I never had or played. You have a lovely mind!
ultharkitty- You are wonderful, talented, and so witty. I envy that, and I have to say I flail like a fangirl every time I see you've made a story update. Thank you for being you. <3
- Your RL adventures in terrapins and quilting and everything are so much fun to follow!
- You are one of the sweetest people I know. And you write HOT fic with fantastic plotiness.
- I hope to get to know you better now that I've finally found the courage to friend you.
- Meeting you was the best thing EVER. Thank you for being such a wonderful person.
- You will ALWAYS be special. *Big hugs*
- I love your writing and talking to you, and thank you so much for caring about me! I need to talk to you more! <3
- I could write so many things, I’ll only write the most important: You rock! Thank you for being such an awesome friend. I love talking to you, and it’s so great we’ve finally met. :D
- you make me care about the combaticons.
- I love how thoughtful you are about the canon, and the directions you take it in in your headcanon and fic. It's always fun to follow along for the ride!
- High five, fellow dark!fic writer! No amount of fluff can defeat the awesome powers of dark!fic!
- your stories are amazing and I adore how you write the combaticons.
usemychopsticks- I love seeing your name pop up on my friends list, your fics are so good.
vejiraziel- people who care as much as you do are rare and quite often unappreciated. You make a difference and it matters.
- i miss talking the way we used to, but i still love you and consider you a friend. <3
- I wish we talked as much as we used to. Here's to hopefully many more years!
- hang in there babe!
- Thank you for running the most wonderful community like you do, for the wonderful challenges you present to all of us and for all the encouragment and help! You rock!
- Always has some pretty awesome artwork.
vericus- Your humor and your grumps are equally beauteous to behold - rock on!
videetcreere (userhead does not show up; may be misspelled)
- you are the best admin a TF MUSH could want :)
- Plot goddess, you are made of win <3
vivid_ambrosia- You ship all the crazy pairings and write all the amazing fanfics. I just love you, ok? ;)
wicked3659- You are one of the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful people I've had the privilege to meet. <33
- you're beautiful, inside and out, and i love you. you're going to do great in Singapore! go out there and have the best adventure ever! <3<3<3
- Thank you for your stories. They always make me smile.
- Talking with you always makes me smile. May this year be one of wonder and joy for you!
- *nuzzeslots* :3 m'glad we're friends
- I miss you and I hope the best of the best for you where you are, you'll always be one of my dearest and move beloved friends, Stay strong. Much love my dear<3
- Thank you for running the most wonderful community like you do, for the wonderful challenges you present to all of us and for all the encouragment and help! You rock!
- A very nice person. Always answers any questions nicely, even if the questions are rather dorky. Love your stories.
wildernessfan- you're warm and sensitive and caring. i think you're a fantastic person. <3
wyntir_rose- I love RPing with you! You have awesome headcanon!
xianghua- you're very fun to talk with and i've enjoyed getting to know you over twitter and LJ. stay awesome! <3
- You are fabulously multi-talented and caring and your enthusiastic comments are adorable!
- So much fun and so many awesome times, and a lot because of you. You're a wonderful person and I'm honored to have you as a friend <3
- Thankyou for another year of epic RP, and for being an awesome friend.
- You’re a sweet person, and I hope you can sell some more Scrapdragons soon. They’re so cute and cuddly!
- <333
xobit_prime- You are such a sweet, sweet person. I'm glad I have gotten to know you better over the past couple of months. It's been a lot of fun.
- you is one bad ass trucker, bb
- your tweets make me smile. You're a lovely person don't ever change.
- Your name will never cease to make me giggle, which is totally why I use it all the time. I love getting to see you from time to time and hear about the cool places you're getting to see. Come back by soon! <3
- Miss you to bits, man. Come baaack!
- You are fantastic and awesome and I love hearing about your life! Sexy jets 4eva!
- Thank you for being the most amazing person listening to my rambling stupidity, and sharing your gorgeous photos! Happy Valentines Day!!
- You read Fifty Shades Of Grey for us! You suffered for your friends, that’s more than we deserve. ;) You’re a great and fun person! Please never change. ;D
- You are the most giving, generous, sweetest person I have ever met!
zomgitsalaura- I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DON'T EVER CHANGE. <3<3<3<3
- Thankyou for the music flashing robot wangs.
zuzeca- I don't even know you that well, but I sort of paw the screen in your direction when you post stuff. You're wonderful.
- Such a talented writer <3
- You truly write the most beautiful and haunting stories. You are not only an inspiration for every writer out there, you are also a very very nice person.
- I envy your deadly skill at Cards Against Humanity. You are awesome.
- I love how sweet and happy you are about the things you like. It's good to see.
fractalserpent @ AO3
- Writing with you is one of the best things that has happened to me in this fandom and in my life recently. Thank you!
To my little pixie: I really appreciate having you around <3 you retweet the most interesting stuff and remind me to keep thinking about everything!
wicked3659 would like to say un-anon:
- to everyone who reads my fic whether you comment or not, thankyou. You are the reason I keep writing why I still love to write.
- to the prowlxjazz community members it is a pleasure and a privilege to be your mod. Keep writing those stories they all make my day and fandom a little brighter.