Okay, that's it. sector 7 is officially back! here's a list of the guys and their descriptions and jobs in the group, yanked from
super_7_man. this is just and INOFO POST! ANY ONE that does NOT allready have two characteres { not counting playing a Cassette that has its own LJ coughRumblecough can go to the
Claiming post and claim them. then contact
super_7_manfor the plot details with the S7 guys.
Currently, i am pending on my disesion to allow a third Charater to some, but, that will take sometime to think through carefully and weight the pros and cons.
Connor Burkee: about 5 foot 7, brunette short, well-groomed hair. Dresses nicely (pressed pant, button up shirt), looks like a guy who would have an office job, but without the glasses. Is about 41 in age. Basically head of operations. Has most of the supplies for the group. Spy wear, some bullet-proof vests and other S.W.A.T. team stuff. Binocular cameras, night-vision stuff, energy radiometers (energy sensors)
Job: basically operations overview, in charge of supplies
Michael Brandt: works for the local tv news station as an air-traffic monitor. Sandy blonde hair (reddish blonde), blue eyes. About 36 or so.
Job: aerial surveilance
Jacob Keist: no physical description yet, except that he wears glasses. 29 years of age. Has a laptop with a satellite uplink. Can still get into the government database and find information collected on the NBE's.
Job: communications/audio video surveilance.
Albert Wells: the kinda-crazy one. Black curly hair, about 5 ft 8, brown eyes. 30 years of age.
Job: Weapons and technology. Has friends who worked in the research department. also has friends that are still in the weapons department. Has a large collection of shotguns and hunting rifles
Keith Tamosa: the 'ladies man' of the group. sounds kinda like a hippie (uses too much slang) Black hair, tan skin, brown eyes. looks Latino, about 5 ft 6 or so. is kinda the all-around man (the one that went running through a field with Brandt while spying on Sunstreaker and sideswipe, and got chased by a bull)