Transformers Anonymous Kink Meme

Oct 21, 2007 14:56


I'm sure we've all seen one of these at some point. And I was sitting in front of my computer late at night (goddamn innsomnia) and it hit me. Transformers doesn't have it's own kink meme. And I was like "EHHH?!" Seriously, the fandom itself is a kink and we don't have a kink meme. How screwed up is that?

Here's how it works:

** You ANONYMOUSLY post a kink request you've always wanted to read but were too afraid/embarrassed to ask for or write yourself. Random folk will read your request and write you a drabble or ficlet, also ANONYMOUSLY.


** Pretty much all Transformer fandoms go. Go wild people.

** You can make and fulfill as many requests as you like. Feedback (also ANONYMOUS) is highly encouraged, though not exactly a rule. Fics can be any length, full ficcage to a few sentences.

** If someone has already written for a particular request you can still write something too! No limits here.

** If you make a request, try to respond to one as well to keep the meme active.

** Remember this is a kink meme, not a pairing meme. Don’t just list the pairing you want to see a story about but what you’d like to see them doing.
Wrong way: I want some Bee/Sam action!
Right way: I want to see Bee/Sam bondage while the other bots watch! (seriously, I would love that)

List of Kinks
Kink Meme FTW: List of Different Memes
Transformers Anonymous Kink Meme Archive Post by sister_dear

challenge, fanfiction (about), crack

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