Unless some people have some massive aversion to Dreamwidth I doubt it'd be a problem having it over there. Those of us with an account there can use those to comment, and those who don't can use OpenID.
Another option would be to have makeshift subjects in the comments themselves. Such as bolding and/or underlining the first line and that being the subject.
I have no strong feelings any way, I'm okay with whatever we go for.
Forgive me if I'm stupid (it happens!) but my understanding was that if the comm itself were S2 then subject lines were enabled. My fic comm is S2 and subjects work there.
Perhaps that's a third option? The only real downside to S2 is that long nested comments get cut off, but is that a real issue for a commentfic party? I don't know.
This comm does use an S2 style, but my understand is that without a paid account for the comm itself, I can't set its comment pages to use a custom style--it's stuck to the default, unless some user with a paid account and an S2 style has it set to style=mine.
Forgive my ignorance, but is it possible to monitor DW through LJ? I watch this community on my FList, and I'm not keen to start manually checking a whole list of DW sites if all the communities migrate. Has someone a solution to cross-checking?
You can log into Dreamwidth with OpenID and then watch journals/comms with that. You'd then have a second friends list (they call it a Reading page on DW) on Dreamwidth to monitor.
Primus pretty much explained how it works--the short answer is no, alas, although if I start doing parties over there there will be links posted to the comm here.
My vote is definitely for moving over to Dreamwidth--a lot of my flist is moving/has moved over there already. Admittedly, however, I'm not seeing the LJ TF fandom shifting over there wholesale like I hoped it might, and I'm not certain what might be the best choice for the community. :/
Comments 10
Another option would be to have makeshift subjects in the comments themselves. Such as bolding and/or underlining the first line and that being the subject.
I have no strong feelings any way, I'm okay with whatever we go for.
Perhaps that's a third option? The only real downside to S2 is that long nested comments get cut off, but is that a real issue for a commentfic party? I don't know.
In that case, my vote is for DW. For all the reasons Primusatemyleg gave above.
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