Title: The Beast Within
Warnings: extreme anger
Continuity: BW
Characters: Optimus Primal
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Transformers Beast Wars is owned by Hasbro and Takara, no profit is being made off of this.
Summery: Optimus struggles with anger.
Prompt: 3: Fenced-in
Words: 219
A.N: Name was suggested by Gnome, in a timely asist~
Optimus snarled and slammed himself against the forcefields surrounding him. He had to get out, had to get free! This was all Dinobot’s fault, Dinobot and Rhinox! They had conspired against him, locked him up like this, kept him from resuming his command, taking the fight to those wretched Predacons and slagging anyone who got in his way. A dim, distant part of him protested with all of it’s strength, far more than he had anticipated. It wrestled for control, protesting his plans. He couldn’t do that, couldn’t attack his subordinates, couldn’t injure his friends!
He regained control from that part of him, bringing the anger under some slight form of control, barely able to keep himself from throwing himself against the forcefields again, from trying to escape. He keeps himself held tautly, shuddering against the effort as the anger threatened to overwhelm him again and again, and he almost lost his control as Cheetor spoke up, asking if there was anything left of him in there. Of course there was somethi- he brings his processor under control, and responds almost calmly. He needed to control this, to unleash it against those that really mattered, and get the antidote.
He, the virus and himself, ignored the part of him that questioned if there would actually be one.