Title: The End of the World
Continuity: G1 Cartoon
Characters/Pairings:: Shockwave, Elita, others
Rating: PG
Warnings: Major character death, though not explicitly depicted.
Summary: Unicron is coming. Who will make a last stand for Cybertron? Less than 300 words, about a half an hour.
Cybertron is dying.
Shockwave denied this for vorns; but, today, with Lord Megatron dead--or changed--and Optimus Prime with him, with the strange new planetoid in their skies--today, it is truly the end.
"Decepticons, evacuate!" Shockwave did not give the order; Shockwave would never give that order. It was Onslaught--a coward and traitor as always--but most of the rest of the Decepticon forces agreed with him.
"No! We must stay! If we work together, we can save our planet!" Again: not Shockwave's voice, although the words might almost have been his. As the majority of the Decepticon forces grabbed what they could--mostly the fuel and weapons on hand--crowding into their few shuttles or taking advantage of new, experimental, space-travel mods and abandoning their planet to their fate, it was an Autobot that fought her way to Shockwave's side, turning her back on the planetoid to appeal to Decepticon and Autobot alike.
Elita One. Shockwave's ancient enemy--who had, with Shockwave, kept Cybertron alive for fifty thousand vorns.
Shockwave nodded at her. "Decepticons! Follow me; we will fight to the end for our planet!"
Very few Decepticons even heard his call. Only the rainmakers were left, and two pieces of Reflector.
"We fight with you," said Acid Storm, and the other four agreed, turning to face Unicron with every weapon they had left. "For Cybertron!"
"For Cybertron," Shockwave echoed, and he was unsurprised when Elita's voice joined in with him, and with her a few of her Autobots--Chromia. Moonracer. Firestar, and two mechs with earth modes with her that Shockwave didn't recognize.
Seven Autobots and six Decepticons, against Unicron. Logically, they had no chance; but if Cybertron went down, so would they.