Title: That was Tingly
Warnings: none
Rating: PG
Continuity: Movieverse AU
Characters: Sideswipe, Sunstreaker
Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers or anything to do with the characters.
Prompt: #3 - Scenario - a practical joke gone wrong
Notes: This is written to fit into my AU story, ‘Kiss Me, Then Let’s Rock & Roll’
“This is all Ratchet’s fault,” Sideswipe commed to his twin, as he raced from NEST’s community recreation room into the desert beyond the base. “He gave me the idea when he told us the story of blundering into the electrical lines upon first contact. He said….”
“He said, they were tingly. He didn’t say a word that he would want to get overloaded using human electricity again!” Sunstreaker’s tone over the comm line was scornful. “What were you thinking? Oh, obviously you weren’t. As per usual. You’re lucky none of the pet humans are allowed in our private quarters. If they had touched one of those electrical traps, they’d be dead - and so would you, once Ironhide caught you.”
“Well, how was I to know the Prime would come down the corridor before Ratchet, anyways?” whined Sideswipe. “Although, it was pretty cool to see Prime fall over like that. Heeheehee.”
“Laugh it up, boltbrain. Better Prime than Ironhide, I guess. Prime will punish you, but at least he won’t rip you apart. I’d give it four earth-days, and then come back in. Ratch and I will try to smooth things over, meanwhile.” Sunstreaker sent a laugh over the line, “Maybe you’ll get lucky and find out the Prime liked it!”
Sunstreaker's hysterical laughter over the comm followed Sideswipe for miles, until he was finally out of range.