Just a quick clarification :)
All fiction posted to this community must be available to all members.
Do not link to friends-locked material, as this is unfair on the people who might want to read it.
The rules ask that all posts to
tf_speedwriting are members locked for all fiction rated above PG-13. This applies whether you're posting the fic itself or a link to another journal. If you're hosting your fic on another journal, the post on the journal you link to must be public.
I hope that makes sense :)
If you're worried about posting prompt responses with mature content publically on your own journal, it might be a good plan to go read up about LJ's
content flags.
If you're still worried, you can always post prompt responses under a members lock on
tf_speedwriting; this doesn't stop you from cross-posting to other journals or communities.
If you have any queries, please leave a comment to this post, or
here, or PM me.