Prompt fill - all thirteen

Nov 06, 2014 20:56

Title: Lonely Road
Rating: K+
Author: Rose0mary
Genre/Warnings: Cybertron curse
Characters: Cliffjumper, Arcee
T-Realm: Prime
Prompt #1 Image (road through forest)

Cliffjumper drove through the ground bridge.  When he landed on the dirt road, he slid into reverse.

The Ground bridge had already been disengaged.   “Slag it Ratchet!”  Cliffjumper scanned the area of nearby Cybertrons and open channels.  “I hate forests!”  He snarled in lieu of a greeting after Arcee accepted the incoming call.

“Why’s that, CJ” Arcee asked stuck analyzing Death Valley and its many rushing-flood-water carved canyons for energon deposits.

“It’s too easy to loose the road.”  Cliffjumper gunned his motor, not caring that an unpaved road typically meant lower speeds, due to the increased risk of damaging the vehicle’s undercarriage.  “When can I go back to exploring the cities?”

“CJ, the metro areas have already been checked and cleared - there’s no reason to risk being discovered when there is nothing usable to be found.”

“Still hate the forest - all these trees and bushes that could be hiding anything.”

Title: Addictive Darkness
Rating: K+
Author: Rose0mary
Characters: Sari Sumdac, Bumblebee
T-Realm: Animated
Summary: Sugar rushes do not make one invincible.
Prompt # 2 The Dark Side Of something.

“Yum, dark chocolate.”  Sari Sumdac yelled, happily diving into her bag of treats.

Bumblebee glanced away from his human friend for only an instant.  When he looked back, there was a pile of candy wrappers deep enough to cover the small human.  “Sari?”  He asked, scanning the pile.  “Where’d you go?”

Familiar laughter drew his attention.  Bumblebee spun, shocked to find Sari two blocks away and one story up.

“Betch you can’t catch me!”  Sari shrieked, dropping from the fire escape to the ground over ten feet down.  When she landed, she took off running.

Bumblebee raced after her, trying to catch up before she could hurt herself.

Title: Hidden facets
Rating: Teens
Author: Rose0mary
Characters: Perceptor
T-Realm: Generation 1/any
Summary:  Just because someone is invisible, does not mean mechs don't grasp that there is a hidden presence there.
Prompt # 3 Ghost in the shell.

Perceptor focused on the gray frame that once held Starscream’s spark.  After a while, the feeling of someone watching from over his shoulders grew so intense, he had to turn and look.  There was no one there to see.

Perceptor went back to his examination.  Again, the feeling of being watched, intensified.  When he looked behind him, he saw no one.

The third time Perceptor realized someone unseen was peering at his work, he spoke up.  “Please stop hovering over my shoulders - my analysis will be shared as soon as I have a clear grasp of what I’m supposed to be looking at.”

Title: Helping out
Rating: Teens
Characters: Miko, Bulkhead
T-Realm: Prime
Summary:  Just wave a magic wand and all of life's little problems go away - or not.
Prompt #4 magic potion.

“What is that awful concoction?”  Ratchet backed away from the pot.

“Witch’s brew.”  Miko answered, stirring the thick, dark liquid.

“Is that why you began with mud?”  Bulkhead asked, wishing that he was mobile enough to escape on his own.

Miko pulled the pot closer.  “Actually, it’s a folk-lore healing past - can’t hurt to try it can it?”  She scooped out about a cup of the noxious green liquid.

“Ratchet!”  Bulkhead whined as Miko approached him.  “Wheeljack,” he pleaded when the medic made no move to help.

“Oh don’t be such a big baby - now take your medicine.”

Bulkhead clamped his jaw shut.  Healing remedy or not, that stuff would clog his systems.  His blue optics widened when the container of steaming organic leaves and mud was poured over his chassis.

“This particular witches’ brew”, Miko said, rubbing the liquidly paste between the cracks in his amour plating, “Works best from the outside in, cleaning out poisons and other toxins.”

Title: Postponing
Rating: K
Characters: Prowl, Hoist, Ratchet,
T-Realm: Generation 1
Summary: There is no stopping the inevitable.
Prompt #5 Challenge: Your chosen characters are trapped, nowhere to hide, and something wants to get in.

“Quick!  Do we have anything else to barricade the doors?”  Prowl demanded, scanning the barren room for anything that could help.

“No, - and why, exactly, are we hiding from Ratchet?”  Hoist asked.

“He’s on a rampage, welding mechs to their berths!”  Wheeljack dismissed the option of tossing the minibots outside.

“Every mech?  Or just those he’s threatened to reformate?”  Hoist wanted, no, needed the clarification.

“Sideswipe, Optimus, and Skyfire were the first victims.”  Prowl retorted, having found nothing to impeed Ratchet’s progress.

The door shuddered under the medic’s relentless assault.

“Ratchet attacked Skyfire?  We’re doomed!”

A crack appeared between the metal frame and sealed blast door.  “It’s time for your regularly scheduled checkup.”  Ratchet cheerfully announced to this batch of trapped mechs.

Title: Too rich for your blood?
Rating: K+
Author: Rose0mary
Genre/Warnings: Gambling
Characters: Megatron, Swindle
T-Realm: Generation 1/Prime (pre cartoons)- Any
Prompt #6 Pick a character, pick a trope(One hit is never enough), write a short fic that inverts the trope (or adds a surprise) Any Genre is acceptable.

Megatron and the lone Insecticion circled each other, waiting impatiently for an opening, for a sign of weakness.

When Megatron stumbled on the sandy floors, the Insecticon raced forward, eager to press his advantage.  It fell and didn’t get back up.

Megatron stood up.  “Pathetic.”   He shoved his blade deep into the Insecticon’s frame.  “Can’t even survive a single hit.”

Swindle happily collected his winnings from the disappointed audience.  “I told you not to bet on the Campion’s opponent.”

“Insecticons never travel alone,” snarled one mech, refusing to give up his credits.  “That wasn’t a real fight!  A single gladiator against one Insecticon?  Bah!  The game was rigged, I tell you!  A farce!”

Swindle laughed.  “Megatron successfully wiped out a guarded Insecticon nest by his lonesome - do you really think that any number of attackers could take him out after that?”  He got the winnings from the last holdouts.

Title: Death and doom
Rating: Teens
Author: Rose0mary
Genre/Warnings: offscrene death/implied torture
Characters: Prowl, Barricade, Breakdown
T-Realm: Any (pre-war)
Summary: Some deactivations are worse than others.
Prompt #7 Setting: Crime scene, a room locked from the inside, walls and floor covered in energon, and no body.

Searching for stolen materials, Enforcer Barricade was the first to spot energon trickling from the locked door into the hallway.  “Somebot answer!  Or we’ll break down the door!”  He warned whoever might be inside.

No response.  No sounds from inside.  “Do it, Breakdown!”

The demolisher, Breakdown, complied, creating a new entrance into the locked room.  He stepped back as the enforcers, Barriacde and Prowl stepped inside.

“Not this again!”  Prowl vented.

Breakdown wanted to purge - and the enforcers hadn’t yet started the scans.  “You mean you’ve seen something similar to this before?”  He heard Barricade ask.

“Yes.”  Prowl ground his denta.  “I really hate it when the victim disappears.”  He knelt down to take a sample of the splattered energon.  “Or, in this case, liquefies.”

“Sure it wasn’t staged?”  A noxious Breakdown asked from his position outside the stained room.

“This much energon painting the walls, soaking into the floor?  No either the entire community had to donate for the scene, or the victim - victims? - liquifed.”

“Discussing.”  Breakdown managed.

“Impossible to tell,”  Prowl answered Barricade’s question.  “It could have been one large mech, or many minis.”  He stood up and examined the single room.  “No way of ever finding out.”

“We're looking for the Kypto virus?”  Barricade addressed Prowl.  “I thought that particular virus had been wiped out.”

“No.  It’s never been fully irradiated.”  Prowl shook his head.  “The virus creator stored samples all across Cybertron’s Empire - contact the medics.”

“Should we be quarenting or evacuating Praxis?”

“Neither option will do us any good - if the infection has spread beyond this unfortunate. the medics will be swamped with the dying.”

Title: Disruptions
Rating: Teens
Author: Rose0mary
Characters: Lennox
T-Realm: Bayverse
Prompt #8 Raising the dead.

“It’s a wonder anyone can hear themselves think!”  Robert Epps raised his hands in an effort to block out the shrieking alarms.

“What?”  William Lennox yelled in response.  “I can’t hear you!”  He tried shouting over the piercing, wailing sirens.

“Turn that blasted signal off!”  Optimus prime ordered, strolling behind the two mechs working the computer panel.

“Aw, dog.”  The newly arrived Skids and Mudflap complied.  “Just looking for some cool slang.”

“Scanning the Internet for slang does not mean turning the volume up so loud you raise the dead.”  Lennox chewed out the twins for messing with the controls.

Title: Changelings
Rating: K+
Author: Rose0mary
Genre/Warnings: hinted supernatural
Characters: Smokescreen, unnamed
T-Realm: Prime/Generation 1
Prompt # 9 Something scarry or spooky appears in a reflection.

“I thought you said pictures don’t move.”

“They don’t.”

“This one has.”

“It’s nothing, Smokescreen.  Somebody’s probably moved the frame - humans redecorate all the time.”

“No, I’m telling you, the picture has moved.”

“Just a trick of the light.  Stop worrying.”

“Take a look!  See?”

“That’s just your reflection, Smokes.  It moves when you do.  How much high grade did you drink?”

“I swear to Primus, it wasn’t a mirror that I saw.”

“Okay, no more trips to fun houses - or circuses in general.  You need to calm down and relax.”

“I am not making it up.”

“Stop it - you’re getting as bad as Bluestreak.  Now take a deep breath, hold it, and slowly exhale.”

“Bluestreak really saw it too!”

“Smokescreen, there is nothing there!   Just a - - blank wall?  Where’d the mirror go?”

“Told you it was moving.”

Title: Another shot
Rating: Teens
Author: Rose0mary
Genre/Warnings: Canon death
Characters: William Lennox, Robert Epps
T-Realm: Bayverse
Summary: In responce to all those stories where Jazz isn't really dead, I present this ...
Prompt #10 Dead metal.

Downtown Mission City was a mess, William Lennox warily realized.  He’d known going in that these metal alien monsters were hard to take down - as evident by amour that could withstand almost everything that the Army and Air Force could throw at them - but the metal creatures did have one major weakness.

With the fighting over, William Lennox leaned against a brick wall that hadn’t been demolished in the short lived battle and closed his eyes, intending to get up within then next few minutes.

The next thing Lennox knew, the shadows had shifted.  He stood up, wondering what had woken him.  Harsh sounds, grating words were coming from the chartreuse metal giant kneeling by the grievously wounded yellow Camero.  “I am not Primus.  I cannot respark the dead!”

Edging forward, Lennox noticed that the broken form of the second smallest once-living faux Porsche.  He also saw with some shock that the smallest one - no longer tied to the tow truck - had been repaired and regained the use of his legs.

“Prosthetics?”  Lennox asked Robert Epps once he found the other.

“Naw, man.  Really good recuperating abilities.”

“Great.”  Lennox shook his head, adding yet another line to the short list of things they did know about earth’s newest neighbors.  “A disabling hit isn’t necessarily a kill strike unless they turn grey.”

Epps grunted.  “Gonna be hard to see if more of ‘em are that metal-silver color.”


Title: Forewarning
Rating: K
Author: Rose0mary
Genre/Warnings: none
Characters: Skyfire, Star(scream)
T-Realm: Generation 1 (prewar)
Prompt # 11 Time Loss

“How long have I been frozen?”  The mech jolted upright.

Skyfire half-heartedly shoved his friend back down.  “Stop it, Star.  That joke wasn’t funny the first time you asked.  It certainly hasn’t improved in the six hundred times you’ve repeated it.

“Are you even interested in preparing for the most unexpected occurrences?”  The white mech pretended to be hurt.

“First of all, most mechs slipping into stasis don’t have their chronounits freeze up.  And even if somemech does get trapped in liquid dyhydrogen monoxide that solidifies around him - which is nearly impossible as there is no world with sufficient standing liquid dyhydrogen monoxide to submerge even a minicassette - it would be nearly impossible for such a mech to jump up as if he’d simply settled down for a quick recharge.”

The white shuttlecraft looked down at the mostly-white seeker.  “It’s a fact of life, Star - living things cannot freeze solid then thaw out successfully.”

“But what if we do find a world that has enough standing dyhydrogen monoxide to fully cover even an Omega Supreme?  What if there is a planet out there that has more of the precious liquid than land surface area?”

“Then you and I will make the discovery of the Golden Era.”  Skyfire said.  “Now, come on, Star - there are hundreds of other possible outcomes we need to be ready for before we depart.”

Title: Final steps
Rating: K+
Author: Rose0mary
Genre/Warnings: offscreen deactivation
Characters: Bluestreak
T-Realm: Generation 1 (any)
Prompt # 12 Setting: an ancient burial ground.

Bluestreak hobbled.  He took his time - the passage of time no longer meant the same thing it once did.

Bluestreak shuffled forward.  There was no hurry.  No one’s life depended on him to be fast.  Those days had long since ended.

Blustreak stumbled and fell.  That was alright.  He was almost where he wanted to be.

Crawling took less effort than trying to struggle to his ancient feet.  Bluestreak crept forward, anxious to reach the mound that was once his fallen home city.

When the sun next rose over the monument where Praxis had once stood, the last Autobot-Decepticon warrior had returned to the war-cemetary and grayed.

Now, the ancient ghosts that had haunted Cybertron since the reclamation began - ushering in a second golden age -  fell silent, no longer drawing the last Praxian survivor to his people.

Title: Decked out
Rating: K
Author: Rose0mary
Characters: Heatwave, Blades, Cody
T-Realm: Rescue Bots
Summary:  “I am still perplexed as to why humans willingly portray themselves as imaginary creatures and then scare themselves silly with movies and tales they know to be lies.”
Prompt #13 “An adorable monster”

“Oh look Heatwave!  Don’t you think Cody makes an adorable monster?”

“That’s an oxymoron.”

“But Heatwave, I think the costume is cute!”

The Rescue Bots ignored Cody’s grumbling that monsters - especially young, male monsters - were, emphatically, not cute.

“Blades, what’s so wonderful about kids dressing up as zombies or vampires, or other scary creatures?”

“I know thses monsters won’t be after me or my energon, or our processors.”

Cody Burns signed, temporarily ceding the fact he wouldn’t get his opinions across any time soon.  “Who wants to watch a monster-movie marathon after trick-or-treating?”

“You will remove the fake blood and gore first, right?”  Blades asked anxiously.

character: bumblebee, character: perceptor, continuity: g1, character: bulkhead, character: skyfire, !spooky spam weekend 2014, character: blades, character: will lennox, character: hoist, character: megatron, character: prowl, character: ratchet, character: smokescreen, character: breakdown, character: barricade, continuity: prime, character: arcee, author: rose0mary, continuity: animated, character: cliffjumper, character: starscream, character: sari sumdac, character: bluestreak, character: swindle, continuity: movieverse

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