Title: After the Crash
Warnings: none
Continuity: BW
Characters: Scorponok
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Transformers Beast Wars is owned by Hasbro and Takara, no profit is being made off of this.
Summery: Scorponok sulks, then represses
Prompt: 2, ‘Scenario - Abandoned on an alien planet’
Words: 182
After the battle, after the search, after it all- when the drama and crazy had died down, and those injured were in the CR, and those not were at their stations- he could finally settle down and think. He stared gloomily at the monitors, the dim lights of the command center during the sleep cycle setting the mood. They hadn’t landed on the right planet, there was no way it could be. All of the stories passed down from mech to mech had said that earth was, well, Earth. A planet full of sentient- if you wanted to call it that- life, organic though it may be, full of energy, just laying there for the taking! Instead, they were on this worthless planet, no energy, only energon around unstable, no way off, Dinobot a traitor, Maximals more of a challenge than Megatron had said...
Scorponok sighs, and puts it away from his mind, sitting forward to watch the monitors better in the gloom. Sulking about it would serve no purpose, and Megatron would know what to do. He always did.