10 years ago I:
1. Had a crush on Lupe from Honors Chemistry.
2. Played tennis in high school.
3. Would go to teen youth group at Willowcreek Church
4. Lived at 5 Hummingbird Ct., Streamwood, IL
5. Listened to Weezer.
5 years ago I:
1. Was getting ready to go back to Madison, WI after taking a semester off.
2. Was 20 years old - that really is the most pointless age.
3. Was dating a girl four years older than me.
4. Read lots of Nietzsche and Hegel.
5. Lived at 3475 Merganser Lane, Alpharetta, GA
2 years ago I:
1. Coaching girls JV soccer and teaching Special Ed. in Houston.
2. Was a Teach For America Corps Member.
3. Was on the leadership council of the aforementioned organization.
4. Was the chairperson of the aforementioned council.
5. Lived at 2412 S. Voss Rd., Houston, TX - and spent my New Year's in Chicago.
1 year ago I:
1. Teaching at an elementary school in Austin, TX
2. Working out regularly at Gold's Gym (amazing what you'll be forced to do when paying for it)
3. Reading lots of Hemingway.
4. Went to Orlando for New Years to see my grandfather whom I hadn't seen since I was 13.
5. Lived at 8221 Phantom Canyon Dr, Austin, TX
This week I:
1. Read lots of Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose
2. Wore a pair of shorts while changing a tire.
3. Fixed the surround sound for my technologically inept father. =)
4. Realized I despise dial-up.
5. Did two service projects with church.
Yesterday I:
1. Took my family to go see The Aviator.
2. Watched Kill Bill Vol. II
3. Played Trivial Pursuit - Disney Edition
4. Read from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents: America -- what a great gift!
5. Had coffee and cake at my neighbor's after midnight mass.
Today I:
1. It's only 9am so not much
2. Watched Sportscenter.
3. Am going through my list on iTunes and listening to songs that have less than 10 plays.
4. Contemplate my nerdiness and go to Mass.
5. Will take my brother to see The Life Aquatic.
Tomorrow I will:
1. Wait for the next day to go buy Garden State
2. Play some video games.
3. Read more of The Name of the Rose
4. Check to see if my grades have been posted.
5. Attempt to sleep in past 7am.
Next week I will:
1. Watch many college football bowl games.
2. Go running a lot.
3. Go shopping and use the giftcards I received this year.
4. Finish The Name of the Rose
5. Cook when I'm dying of boredom.
Next month I will:
1. Begin working on my Brief and Oral Argument assignments in RWA.
2. Be up to my neck in Constitutional Law and Property Law.
3. Be thankful that I live across the street from the law building.
4. Sign up with Netflix again.
5. Start looking for a summer clerk or associate position.
New Years Resolution: pray every day.