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Pt 5!
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FIC: Continuity - Title (optional) - Characters - brief Kink (please include the entire thing on every part you post and for every comment!) and put Ch# or Pt# at the end. Note any major squicks or kinks in the header as a courtesy to the
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Can I keep it? Please ohpleaseohplease? I will love it and hug it and call it George! XD
The smex was hot, but what really made the fic for me was the (relatively) long build-up, when the courtee felt a healthy dose of apprehension as to what the courter's intentions actually were. Love it!
And I really like how tender and gentle he was, considering the size disparity. He wanted Dragline, and he treated him like he was wanted and cared for. It was sweet, and a very nice read because of it. :) (The culture shock bits were interesting too. The situation was rather public by nature, but Sheathwing and his brethren don't seem to think much of it).
So good! I really liked how you built it up, the culture clashes and overlaps, and how strangely sweet it was in a very alien sort of way (but that wasn't really all that alien at all!)
You are a wonderful writer.
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