I've got this posted on my personal livejournal account, but though I'd post here as well. It IS slightly spoilerific, so I'm hiding it behind a cut. I welcome all comments and critiques, so feel free ;)
“Might I have a word Sam? The secretary has some concerns for which I would appreciate your input.”
Sam looked over at Mikaela and shrugged. “I should only be a few minutes, is that okay?”
The brunette smiled warmly. “I’ll be fine. Besides, I’ve got Bumblebee here to keep me company.”
Sam nodded, and then walked over to join Optimus further on down the road. Mikaela sunk down further into the passenger seat, wrapping her jacket around her bare arms for warmth. Almost on cue, the heater kicked on silently.
“Is that sufficient? I can raise the temperature if you like.”
Of all the changes her life had undergone the past few weeks, having a car talk to her was probably the strangest. But then, Bumblebee wasn’t your normal, run of the mill Chevy. “No, that’s fine. I like it cool, but it’s a little chilly without Sam sitting next to me.”
The car actually chuckled. “I have noticed a certain tendency for you to feign a lowering of your body temperature on occasion. Is there an ulterior motive for that?”
Mikaela actually blushed. “Well… when you put it that way, yes. You see, by pretending to be cold, I give Sam the hint that he should put his arm around me.”
“You humans are a strange species. Would it not be easier to simply ask him to do so?”
“You don’t have much experience with girls, do you? We like for a guy to anticipate our needs. If you have to tell him everything it takes the spontaneity out of everything. Um, there are female Autobots, aren’t there?”
Bumblebee grew quiet for a few moments, leaving her to stare off into the distance, where Ratchet and Ironhide seemed to be engaged in an animated discussion that involved a lot of back slapping. Just as she was about to apologize for bringing up the whole thing, her companion made a sound equivalent to clearing his throat.
“There are femmes, to be sure. In fact, I knew one who reminds me quite a bit of you; the same warrior spirit. Her name roughly translates as Skylark in English. I haven’t seen her in a great many cycles. She was assigned to Prowl, our executive officer, and his team. I have hopes of seeing her again when the others make their way here.”
“I’m sure you will… and I’ll bet she’s anxious to see you again too.
“There is one other thing I was curious about, if I could change the subject.”
The Autobot rumbled humorously once more. “You have but to ask, my young friend. You saved my life in battle, so it is proper for me to afford you that courtesy.”
Mikaela smiled mischievously. “It was your idea for Sam to give me the ride home that day, wasn’t it? I thought the radio was just acting weird at first, but I never thought to ask you about it later.”
“Well… yes, that was my subtle suggestion. You may have noticed a certain timidity in his early interactions with you. I was merely giving him a proverbial kick in the pants.”
“That makes sense, I guess.” Stifling a giggle, she was quiet for a moment. “So what was up with stalling out your engine in the middle of nowhere? Not to mention you song choice… Sexual Healing? I thought you were going to give Sam a heart attack.”
Bumblebee chose his next words carefully, not wanting to dig a deeper hole for himself. “In retrospect, not my best possible choice, but the boy was bombing. I was merely attempting to minimize the damage. Is not the end result more important?”
“We’ll just have to ask Skylark when she gets here, won’t we?”
Optimus jerked his head up at the sound of heavy footfalls and laughter. Bumblebee had transformed, and was playfully chasing a giggling Mikaela up the hill. Sam merely shook his head. “I don’t even ask, big-bot. It’s a lot easier that way.”