Ok, so I put this in my XANGA and you post it in your Livejournal?? Yeah thanks for commenting after it took you like half an hour to read it, bitch. I love you too.
What the fuck? Didn't you already do this like a week ago? Seriously Tim, your journal is starting to lack luster and it's pissing me off. Write about better shit. I thought I taught you better than that. Jesus... -Mike
I wasn't going to read this...but then I changed my mind....now I wish I could turn back time and not have read it because...TIM your entries are seeming to be a repetative flow of lists and survey-like shit...change it up, like wearing a floral print one day and stripes the next!!!...ya...
I hear that Incubus is releasing a cd that critics are saying will be the most logical step forward for them. It's tenatively titled "The sound of mikes amp without the guitar plugged in". This will be their best cd in years.
Comments 11
p.s.: chicago is HOT!
I don't remember it too well...
1. alot
2. mucho
3. plenty
4. thoroughly
5. profusely
6. suck it
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