Name: Threnody
Type: Transformer
Gender: female
Eyes: crimson
Height: er, slightly above average for a G1 femme. She's not amazon, but not dainty, either.
Description: A mixture of both her creators (Cyclonus and femmeGalvatron), she's got a purple helm, upper body, butt, and arms, with a grey face, hands, and legs. There's a large Decepticon symbol on her chest. And she doesn't have boobs. I'm also not sure whether or not she has wings, because I haven't yet figured out her transformation. I just know that she's a bit similar to Cyclonus in that regard, only without the nosecone/bunny ears. I have a suspicion that she might have fins on her legs, but like I say, transformation kind of eludes me for most my bots.
Personality: She has Cyclonus's cool head, but those who knew Galvatron can see parts of her in her creation's personality too. Tends to come across as very grave and serious.
Likes: Reading human novels. Casseticons. Primus. Her people. Chaar. Galvatron. Cyclonus. Astrotrain. Scourge. She's fond of the little Seeklet called Runt, but has no idea that he's technically her baby half brother.
Dislikes: Sycophants. Meredronians. People who disrespect Galvatron, Cyclonus, or Primus. Rookies that jump in the energon generator.
Squicks (DO NOT WANT): Slash, incest, sex or sexual innuendo, genderless bots, excessive violence and gore (over PG), excessive Terran cursing. All my bots are from realities with clear, spark-based binary gender, form lasting unbreakable bonds with one mate (strong) of the opposite gender and a few siblings of either gender (lighter), and have no analogue for sex, though mates and courting bots will kiss. Deep platonic bonds caused by close proximity are very common.
Other: She likes to read human books, much to her 'aunt' Scourge's bemusement. Only a little over a vorn old, doesn't suffer sycophants kindly, and doesn't really like being looked up to by everyone she respects just because she's made from Galvatron. Her Decepticon (Galvatronian) faction recently allied themselves with the Autobots after Cyclonus' death. She's fond of the cassettes because they were her friends and often tried to kidnap her when she was small. Astrotrain is more or less her bodyguard and used to tell her the worst BS stories, which she never bought. Nonetheless, the old clunker is dear to her as well. She tends to unconsciously view Scourge as a mother figure.
Note on Runt: He's six foot tall, with red optics. He's got the traditional pattern, and his colours are yellow and green, with his face being yellow. No one knows who his creators are, because Hook got overcharged one night and randomly programmed two spark codes into the CR chamber. He tends to spend a lot of his time eagerly serving Threnody, who is fond of and protective of the little thing, though typical for a Decepticon, she has no idea of what to do with a 'child'.
Threnody, profile pic by Arhkana Threnody and her creators, by Arhkana Story thread 1 Story thread 2 Story thread 3 a picture of her last Christmas with Cyclonus, by shehcelciudat The rest of the story about her reality Faction: Decepticon (Galvatronian)
Occupation: Leader of the Galvatronian Decepticons since Cyclonus' death.
Alternate Mode: space plane
Tools/Weapons: a largish hand gun she stores in subspace. In her alt mode she has lasers on her wings. She's also well trained to use pretty well anything that comes to hand.
Preferred Generation: G1
History: In Panacea and Oriana's reality the best kept Decepticon secret is that Galvatron died quietly in recharge, too weak to even get off her berth. Cyclonus cared for her, and even tried a spark bond to stabilize her spark enough to let her survive. Once that happened she could tell how fussed he was about her being lost to the mortal world, so she told him to go steal some Autobot CR technology and when he brought it she entered their specs and spark codes.
She died before the sparklet ever came out of the tank.
Cyclonus took her shell and blew the heck out of it so it would look like she'd died the right way, then told everyone he'd stolen an Autobot rookie and reprogrammed her.
The youngster named herself Threnody. The name means a song in memory of, or in honor of, the dead.
Update: Threnody has spent some time on Cybertron, learning from Rodimus Prime's Bridge (servant of Primus) what she needed to become a Bridge herself. She found the Autobots as incomprehensible as always, and was glad to return home. Then recently Cyclonus died of the same virus that killed Galvatron, so Threnody, with the help of Scourge and Rumble, is now leader of the Galvatronian faction.
Alt Mode References: working on it.