SPN 6.5

Oct 22, 2010 23:47



I spend a good thirty seconds after that alley scene just saying "What the fuck" over and over again. Because WHAT THE FUCK.

(Although it was sort of sweet, in a twisted kind of way, to see that Sam still thinks Dean can do anything.

...unless Sam thought Dean really might break and drink, and just didn't care.

...I'm going with theory A.)

I'm not loving this whole Alphas thing - I was sort of hoping after 6.3 (Third Man) that there would be a parallel going on - chaos in Heaven and chaos in Hell, hence the sudden departure of monsters from the norm - no Lucifer, no hierarchy, no rules . Basically, I was hoping that the season would be about the consequences of stopping the apocalypse and locking up the generals - things don't just snap back to status quo on either side. But I guess 6.4 (Weekend at Bobby's) kind of put paid to that. Oh well.

...unless Crowley is, again some more, the Cas analogue...?

Speaking of Cas, I have a Cas & Dean from Sam's POV bunny - remind me after I finish the draft for enmuse's help_pakistan fic (...yes, I know).

Nonetheless, I am prepared to temporarily revoke my 6.1 misgivings; between the Significant Look between Sam and Samuel the other week and the alley tonight, they have me hooked on the Sam Is Not Okay arc, if nothing else.

(You know, I  used to have a theory that Dean could lie successfully to anyone but Sam, and Sam couldn't lie successfully to anyone but Dean. Guess neither of those is true anymore. Oh boys. *sniff*)

I do have a question, though. Dean commented (...last week...?) that Sam had been in Hell. And I'm... confused. First off, I thought he was in the cage - is that the same thing and I was just to busy flipping out at the end of S5 to get it? Second, I thought the notpocalypse happened a year ago - so the screentext for 6.1 tells me - and I thought Sam had been back for... a year. I mean, I know three Earth months is forty years in Hell and all, but... still. I mean, are we talking about a really traumatizing five minutes...?

(Speaking of which, to touch on 6.4 for a moment... Sam: please to not be mocking Dean for still struggling with his time in Hell. As you may recall, what upset him was not so much being tortured as becoming a torturer himself, and it's not so surprising that that's still with him. I guess what I'm trying to say is shut your blasé piehole, Sam.)

Back to 6.5. In re Lisa: part of me hopes that this wasn't her write-off - a bit weak - but part of me hopes it... is. I have a whole post on this that I'm holding off on in the hopes they will still do right by her, but Coles Notes: Lisa is such a weak character - an ill-defined nonentity - that she is undermining the one thing about female characters the show - IMO, YMMV and probably will - always did right, namely: wrote them well. They might have been evil, they might have died prematurely, they might not have shown up as often as they could have, but recurring female characters were always strong characters: 3D, fully drawn, defined personalities, clear motivations, the whole bit. Lisa... not so much.

Anyway. I'd like to end with a return to my central point, namely WHAT THE FUCK, YOU GUYS.

P.S. I took my a  good nother couple minutes to actually post this, because for some reason I don't have an appropriately WTF-y icon. Then again, I've never had a burning need for one before.  

spn, spn: thoughts i thinked

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