1. Name: Michele
Favourite (please don't groan) three....
2. Films: The Empire Strikes Back, X-Files, Fight the Future, Clerks II
3. TV shows: X-Files, Top Gear, Torchwood
4. Books: The Butterfly Kid by Chester Anderson, The Stand by Stephen King, Anything Goes by John Barrowman
5. Musical band type things: Blue Gillespie, Pet Shop Boys, Prince
6. Favourite flavour of skittles: I don't like skittles.
7. What type of biscuit do you feel you resemble?: Hobnob
8. Keeping with that theme, what piece of furniture do you identify with?: Couch
9. What colour crayon would your mind be?: green
10. If you landed on a desert island, which three people would you want with you?: Ianto Jones, Jim Ellison, Fox Mulder
11. Which of those three would you eat first?: This is like that marry, shag, throw off a cliff thing, isn't it?
TG related stuff...
12. Favourite Star In A Reasonably Priced Car: Will Young! (jeremy's boyfriend *LOL)
13. Favourite challenge: South to North Vietnam or Lorry driving.
14. Quote that makes you squee the most: There are too many! But probably this from Jeremy's article on Richard's accident:
And there was some hope. While James was leaning over, whispering to our bashed-up friend, Mindy started to stroke his hair and I noticed the hamster’s heart rate had shot up from 60 to 75 beats per minute.
“Christ, James. He thinks you’re doing the stroking,” I yelled.
15. Dream garage: one with a car in it.
(The oh, cock, I forgot these questions and am not organised section)
16. Favourite non-TG quote?: "Mobiles, landlines, tin cans with bits of string, everything, absolutely everything: no phones, phones all broken.[holds up hand in imitation of telephone] Hello? Anyone there? No! Cause the phones aren't working!"--Ianto Jones, Torchwood
17. Philosophy on life?: Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.
18. Special talents: making coffee, successfully not quitting smoking for 26 years now....
19. Go on then, describe yourself: five foot two inches...no matter which way you measure me
20. How would you describe the Stig? Some say he can say Saskatchewan without starting to stutter....and that he's JK Rowling's ghostwriter...all I know is he's called The Stig!