Prompt Post!

Dec 02, 2020 18:39

Post prompts here!

  • Follow the rules.
  • General chitchat goes here
  • Filled prompt archive is here
  • Unfilled prompt archive is here

Have fun!


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anonymous July 29 2011, 02:22:56 UTC
Phelous, Welshy, Sad Panda and Benzaie get together to film a crossover.

Everyone has slashy times with everyone else at least once. Not necessarily sex, snogging in a closet or clothed groping in one of the hotel beds would be fine. Bonus if at least one pair does it just to freak everyone else out.

Whether or not Benzaie's restraining order against Panda is taken into consideration is up to you.


ocelot_l October 27 2014, 07:55:43 UTC

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