The Metrocon Journal of DOOOOOOMMMMMM!

Jun 22, 2009 10:47

So I've had a busy past few days... Let's start with Thursday.

Wildmark comes into town!  Hurray!  I did miss my friend and it meant that all of the weekend excitement was just beginning.  I dyed the blonde parts of my hair purple (which looks amazing), and finished up some little bits of my costume before looking for glowsticks and wandering the mall with Wildmark.  Then it was time to go the the Castle with Glowstick!  That was way fun, even if it was Pop n Wave night (which means they play more mainstream music, like Jizzed in my Pants).  It was super crowded and Glowstick kept trying to show me how to get guys to dance with me.  I of course epically failed, and she got some guy to dance with her (which I still didn't realize how she did it until afterwards when she spelled it out for me >.<).  I wasn't too jealous cause the guy kinda seemed creepy.  I prefer the real creeps that come dance on Saturdays to the normal creeps on Thursdays anyway.  But anyways, we didn't stay too late because we had to get up extra early to register for Metrocon the next day.

I wake up waaay to early and go out to the livingroom to poke Wildmark (who stayed on my couch for the weekend) because I didn't want to be the only one awake at that dreadful hour.  The sun wasn't even up!  So I get dressed, touch up my hair, and Wildmark and I head over to Glowstick's to pick her up for the con.  We go the Publix to pick up some munchies to eat during the day (and a monster java for me because I was dead) and head to the convention center.  We get there and end up in line right next to the rest of our friends.  After registering and buying a ticket for the masqueade ball that was happening later that night, we just relaxed in the convention center people watching.  There was a girl hanging a bag of ramen from the second story, fishing for Narutos, and I laughed.  We wander around for a bit and then go to a panel for drawing chibis (those obnoxiously cute anime-style drawings).  It was pretty interesting, but the girl teaching was just hilarious, which made the panel all the better.  Then on to a Steampunk in Lolita fashion panel, which was interesting, but very boring.  After that Glowstick and I checked out a panel that would give dance lessons for the ball later that night, but it was held outside, which was way too hot to dance in.  So we wandered some more and checked out the dealer's room and the artist's alley.  I bought some falls made out of cyberlox on sale for $10 (which is pretty amazing because they typically go for $55) and eyed the bento boxes (which I never ended up buying because I doubted the amount of use I would get out of it.  Then off to meet Wildmark at his car and change into our clothes for the ball.  The ball was alright.  They played mostly slow songs (and by that I mean they played a total of two fast-ish songs).  I danced with our girls and then a couple times with Wildmark.  The ball was made worse by the fact that we had to sit down after every two songs to watch the show that probably would have been better if the mics were working properly.  Then back to the car to change into clothes for the rave.  Oh man the rave was AMAZING!  Saw some pretty amazing ravers in a circle and then started our own!  It was pretty awesome!  Then home for bed.

So apparently Glowstick, Wildmark, and I all woke up shaking because of lack of water and food from the day before.  After a nice breakfast, Wildmark and I went to pick up Glowstick and arrived at the con.  We got there too late to see the human chess match that day, but Glowstick and I went to a Lolita for less panel, which was ok, but basically stated the obvious.  Then we wandered a bit, and ran into some more friends from UWF, which was pretty awesome.  We went to a panel on lolita fashion, which was way better than the other lolita panel we went to.  These girls actually dressed in nice lolita outfits quite a bit (even outside of the con).  Then more hanging out, and then off to the cosplay carnivale (essentially little skits that have to do with people's costumes).  It was pretty good.  Eventually Glowstick and I found Wildmark and the three of us went to a furry discussion panel, where I was happy to meet some furs.  I looked inside of a couple of people's heads, to see how they were made, so hopefully Wildmark and I can make our own eventually, but everything about head construction seems so difficult still.  I asked a couple of people about making scales, and no one had any ideas beyond what I had already thought of, but both people were interested in making something out of scales and would give me more info after they had tried it.  So I was standing outside the panel room with Wildmark, Glowstick, Kiba, and Kilynn (two furs we had met in the panel that are actually my age), and Spirit (the fur that had been hosting the panel) asked me to help her out of her suit.  I of course did, and then helped her carry it all the way to her hotel room, but it was kind of awkward because she intimidated me.  She was really nice, but didn't really make conversation.  I just was happy to see the behind-the-scenes aspect of suiting, especially since I plan on suiting in the future.  After finally making it back to the convention center, I hung out with Wildmark and Glowstick and some of the furs until it was time for the Dr. Horrible Picture Show.  That was pretty much amazing!  Granted it got started slow, but the show itself was awesome. Then it was off to the rave.  The music was far better at this rave than the one the night before, but it was also a shit ton more crowded.  Glowstick and I ended up finding Wildmark and raving off to the side of the actual dance floor, where we had room to rave and try some of the spinning stuff.  I met Wildmark's fur friend Cherry, out of his suit, and we talked for a bit.  Finally, at the last song of the night, the DJ played Sandstorm!  Glowstick and I got to do our dance right in the center of the dance floor.  It was pretty amazing.  Yeah, I did forget the order of the very end, but it worked out because we got to just start raving at the end instead.  Oh man I'm sore today from all that raving though >.<

Glowstick had spent the night with me and we tried to put her hair up, but with the humidity outside (well and inside since my mom fails to have airconditioning), the first spike fell quickly, so we gave up that venture.  Then off to the con for the human chess match.  The best part were the fights that were between video game characters because they played the music and said the iconic lines from those games (Marth vs Captian Falcon from Super Smash, Mortal Komat chars, Red Warrior from Gauntlet).  After the chess match, which ended with an appearance by Darth Vader, we hung out with Kiba and Kilynn again.  I like them a lot.  Then it was a look through the dealer's room again and then time to leave.  We decided against staying fror closing ceremonies in light of the fact that it was indeed Father's Day.

oh and by the way...

You just lost the game
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