I died... and I knew i was dead, but my spirit could still talk to my parents. But only them... no one else knew I was dead. I saw a 6 ft deep hole (for a coffin) and I look down into the hole, and Tristan and baby Ashton were playing on my coffin! Then I started to run.. and I woke up.
thabitch's LJ stalker is __tbmas_bxtch__!__tbmas_bxtch__ is stalking you because another friend of yours told them you liked them. They are also eating your food when you aren't looking!
Could someone please take the time to tell me how to make my journal look better.. i mean at least have the entries in the middle cuz im sick of mine looking so bad =[
if anyone would be so kind as to help me fix it up I would SOOOO greatly appreciate it.
umm yeah. I failed HORRIBLY. He was like "Where's the emergency brake?" And I said.. "::looks around:: Uhh.. I dont think i have one" ;x AND i couldnt parallel park so I didnt even get to go out on the road test.