A new chapter... finally!

Apr 25, 2012 19:40


Author: Thalanee

Verse: It’s A Game (Because something this crazy could only happen in a game)

Word Count: 1900 words

Rating: pg-13

Warnings: crack… why do I always attract the crack bunnies?!

Disclaimer: Nope, they’re still not mine…

Summary: What do you do, when you’re surrounded by enemies who are about to shoot you to Kingdom come? One word: ( Read more... )

oneshot, jazz, it's a game- verse, transformers fanfiction, pg-13, crack

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Comments 1

prowlerprime May 15 2012, 19:06:17 UTC
That was too funny. Although I would love to see it when Prowl does have to rescue Jazz!! Hehe. Keep at it.


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