another one... but this is only a couple of weeks old

Jan 12, 2012 10:43


Author: Thalanee

Verse: It‘s A Game (AU)

Word Count: 1300 words

Warnings: crack, no eating or drinking while reading!

Rating: pg13

Disclaimer: I only wish they were mine, but they don’t belong to me.

Summary: Sometimes Prowl takes always being calm and collected to new extremes…

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jazzxprowl, it's a game- verse, transformers fanfiction, pg-13, crack

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Comments 2

pjlover666 January 12 2012, 11:07:36 UTC
I just loveeee the ways you come up with Jazz courting Prowl. It gets me all mushy inside :D


renegadewriter8 January 12 2012, 13:43:42 UTC
hehehe read this in FFNet, loved it then, love it now. I really do like the relationship between Screamer and Prowl here. Great job ^^


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