Vandal - even at 3k points, I don't want to take him. I guess I just want to bolster my meager numbers before taking a bigass board control piece.
Prowler - taking a pack of 3, although I'm debating if I want to replace their QMG (12 Acc 6 + reroll, Pen 7 shots) with Mortars (6 shots w/ reroll, 3" AOE to start, Pen 5) for their anti-infantry. Although if I take them as singletons rather than a group the QMG is probably better for concentrating firepower.
Hunters + C-Naps G-45 - I liked this setup a lot, so will probably bring it again. 9 rockets of death + a Medic.
Warmongers w/ T-Regulator G-27 - Full unit here to get 3x more Jammers, a Combat Specialist (free mines!) and just bodies to keep G-27 and his Deflector Shield safe. (Deflector Shield lets me assign where damage goes to my AFVs, rather than have it get rolled. Goes well with autorepair)
Warmonger Jammer Team - 3x more Jammers just because I have no other way to deal with heavy armor.
Counter-Snipers with G-Naps C-09 - long range sniper unit, keeping my general safe (and he provides medic to boot!)
Skirmishers + C-Naps G-35 - Deathdealers these guys aint, but they'll still put the hurting on any infantry (16 shots + Reroll at Pen 5, and 3 more rockets just in case)
And to break it down into platoon style:
Platoon 1:
8x Warmongers + T-Regulator G-27, 3x Jammers, 1x Combat Engineer
3x Counter-Snipers + G-Nocrat G-09
2x Hunters + C-Naps G-45
1x Prowler
1x Prowler
Platoon 2 (All 3 in reserve, when applicable):
3x Warmonger Jammer Team
3x Skirmishers + C-Naps G-36
1x Prowler
Points: 2985, 1995 Assault / 990 Reserve
26 models at 3k points. I am going to be buried under the bodies of Red Blok!
T-Regulator G-27
3x Counter-Snipers
3x Warmonger Jammer Team
3x Skirmishers
Basically I've decided that since I'm going to be outnumbered anyways I mine as well load up on the TacArms suits for about 100 points a squad more, and just rely on the Arm 11, Medic! (or technically "Automedication!" for the Cogs) and 3+ cover save to win the attrition war.
Maybe not smart and I should load up on warmongers/stalkers and gunslingers/sharpshooters, guess I'll find out tomorrow.