Anurognathus- Wing span - 20 inches / 50 centimetres
- Diet - Insectivore
- Behaviour - Small, manoeuvrable flyer. Does not fly fast, but good at dodging. Tends to ambush its prey. It does not sing like birds, but it is capable of a vast array of chirps and squeaks which it uses to communicate with its flock mates.
- Amount - Small flock of them? No more than 20 individuals.
- Found - Primarily in the forest bubble.
Nyctosaurus- Wing span - 200 centimetres
- Weight - 1,86 kilo
- Diet - Fish
- Behaviour - Nyctosaurus spends most of its life in the area, rarely landing. In fact, the only time they seem to land is to mate or to die. The few individuals that have come to Vatheon spend their time soaring high above the main bubble.
- Amount - A few
- Found - Main bubble.
- Notes - All members of the species sport the odd crest, though the males seem to have larger ones than the females.
Pteranodon- Wing span male- 18 feet / 5.6 meters
- Wing span female- 12 feet / 3.8 meters
- Diet - Carnivore/fish eating
- Behaviour - The most common pterosaur. There seems to be a big difference between the behaviour of the male and females. The males are large, more colourful and loud, more often than not landing to display. They have a tendency to land on top of building and use their claws to hang to the sides of them.
- Amount - Plenty.
- Found - Everywhere in the main bubble.
- Found - They seem very excitable, very into being loud and displaying... could it be breeding season for them?
Coelurosauravus- Length: 40 cm / 16 inches
- Diet - Insect eating.
- Behaviour - Rather than fly, this light weight, hollow-boned creature uses the wing like structures on its side to glide from tree to tree. Apart from their speed, they have very few other natural defences, and easily fall prey to larger dinosaurs.
- Amount - Plenty.
- Found - In the forest bubble
Meganeura- Length: 75 cm / 2.5 feet
- Diet - Insects and small am
- Behaviour - It is a giant dragonfly. It does dragonfly things. But giantly. It probably sounds like a helicopter.
- Amount - Plenty.
- Found - Everywhere.
- Notes - Oddly enough, as the days go on, these giant dragonflies slowly start dying, though without any apparent cause.
Epidexipteryx- Length - 10 inches, 17,5 including tail feathers / 25 centimetres, 44,5 centimetres including tail feathers.
- Diet - Insectivore, occasionally scavenged meat.
- Behaviour - Small, quick runner. Stays on the ground most of the time. Surprisingly good jumper. Has a tendency to act aggressive towards opponents before running.
- Amount - It seems impossible to count them. They are that quick.
- Found - Primarily in the forest bubble.
- Notes - There seems to be some sexual dimorphism going on, with certain individuals sprouting bright coloured, longer tail feathers (males), where-as others are more drab coloured, with shorter feathers (females)
Brachylophosaurus- Length - 9 meters / 30 feet
- Diet - herbivore
- Behaviour - Roams in herds, often found congregating around lakes and watering holes. Adults take very good care of the young, protecting them until they are large enough to survive on their own. They are calm and good-natured. Until you attack their young, that is.
- Amount - A small sized herd, with members ranging from young to old.
- Found - Forest bubble.
Stegosaurus- Length - 9 meters / 30 feet
- Height - 4 meters / 14 feet
- Diet - herbivore
- Behaviour - Stegosaurus is a slow moving, low level grazer. It is capable of erecting itself on its hind legs, using its tail as a balance to reach higher branches but rarely does. Stegosaurus has a tiny brain and thus is not very smart. It moves slow and can react grumpily. When angered, it will use its surprisingly swift hindquarters and tail to smack any offending persons.
- Amount - A few small family groups.
- Found - Forest bubble.
Alvarezsaurus- Length - 2 meters / 6 feet
- Weight - 20 kilo
- Diet - Insectivore, occasionally scavenged meat and small reptiles.
- Behaviour - Quick runner. Very curious and adventurous. It will not sit still, instead preferring to be on the go, always on the hunt for its next meal. It burns a lot of calories running around, thus the need to constantly hunt.
- Amount - A fairly big population! Mind your shopping, they'll steal it right outta the basket.
- Found - Forest and main bubble.
Saltasaurus- Length - 12 meters / 39 feet
- Weight - 8 tons
- Diet - Herbivore.
- Behaviour - A relatively small sauropod, Saltasaurus stands out through having a thick (4-5 inches) layer of boney plates embedded in it skin, much like modern crocodiles. It is another herd-moving dinosaur, generally placid, using their armour for defence.
- Amount - A small herd of them.
- Found - Forest.
Tanystropheus- Length - 6 meters, 3 of which neck.
- Diet - Fish
- Behaviour - This odd creature is one to stick its neck out for you. It waits cautiously at the water's edge, instead using its long, agile neck while hunting for fish. It does not move very quickly when walking, hobbling along a bit gracelessly, trying to constantly compensate for its long neck with its muscular hindquarters. But damn if it ain't one hell of a fisher.
- Amount - Two or three.
- Found - Near to the lake.
Pachycephalosaurus- Length - 4.5 meters / 15 feet.
- Diet - plants, fruit, berries
- Behaviour - These odd bipedal dinosaurs' most prominent feature is their thick enlarged skull root which they use to head butt both carnivores as well as establish dominance during mating. They do not heat butt others head on, but instead move along side them and swing their head to the side with a bone-shattering strength. Best to stay out of the way when two of them are fighting for a mate.
- Amount - A few dozen.
- Found - Scattered across the forest, occasionally venture into the main bubble.
Minmi- Length - 2meter / 10 feet
- Height - 1 meter / 3 feet
- Diet - Herbivore
- Behaviour - A relatively small, slow moving armoured dinosaur, Minmi spends most of the day calmly eating. It moves in small herds. These dinosaurs are not very bright, nor very aggressive and could even be approached fairly closely.
- Amount - A whole bunch.
- Found - Forest mostly, occasionally wander into the bubble.
Nomingia- Length - 1.7 meter / 5.6 feet
- Diet - small reptiles
- Behaviour - Medium speed runner, though the broad tail does not leave it as agile as others of its family. One male seems to have a harem of multiple females. They are generally quick to anger and the males especially fight quick and loudly amongst themselves.
- Amount - A nice sized group.
- Found - Forest bubble, some brave ones in the main bubble.
- Notes - Only the males seem to sport the huge tail crest. It is fairly colourful.
Pedeticosaurus- Length - 1.2 meter / 4 feet
- Diet - small reptiles, insects, scavenged meat.
- Behaviour - Quick runner, it can move both bipedal and with all its feet on the ground. It ambushes its small preys and it is not afraid to dole out a few nips to anything getting too close. They have a strong sense of smell and they can pick out rotting meat at quite a distance. They also seem to have taken an interest in trash since arriving here.
- Amount - A bunch
- Found - Everywhere; forest bubble, main bubble, pirate ship, carnival. You name it and they are there.
Triceratops- Length - 7.9 to 9.0 meter / 26.0-29.5 ft
- Length - 2.9 - 2.0 meter / 9.5-9.8 ft
- Diet - Herbivore.
- Behaviour - Though the juveniles gather in protective groups, adult Triceratops are fairly solitary. Or as solitary as you can be when you are part of one of the most populous species of dinosaur to ever roam the planet. Triceratops spend most of their time grazing, using their giant horns and crest in mating displays and for intimidation.
- Amount - A bunch
- Found - Mainly Forest, but they wander sometimes.
Psittacosaurus- Length - 2 meter / 6.5 ft
- Diet - Herbivore.
- Behaviour - A gazelle sized bipedal herbivore, Psittacosaurus is known for its mothering behaviour. A pair will create a burrow in which to hatch and care for their young until they are old enough to leave the next. A pair will lay many eggs, though even with this tender care, few young make it to adulthood.
- Amount - A bunch
- Found - Mainly Forest.
- Notes - It has ass quills.
Linhenykus- Length - 10 - 120 cm / 3 - 4 ft
- Diet - Insects, mainly termites.
- Behaviour - Small and quick, Linhenykus has the perfect muzzle for digging burrowing insects and termites out of their hollows. They have no natural defences apart from their speed. They communicate with each other through high pitched chirps. They are also unique in that they only have on finger on each short forelimb.
- Amount - A bunch
- Found - Mainly Forest.
WATER (inside the bubble)
Leptocleidus- Length - 3 meters / 10 feet.
- Diet - Fish.
- Behaviour - One of the smallest known pliosaur species, it evolved to live in fresh water to avoid larger predators. They are fairly friendly. Unless you are a fish.
- Amount - No more than ten.
- Found - In the lake.
Tiktaalik- Length - ranges from 3 to 9 feet
- Diet - Fish and insects.
- Behaviour - One of the first fish to make the transition between water and land, Tiktaalik could drag itself out of the water for short periods of time. It has both gills and primitive lungs. It also has a neck!
- Amount - A whole bunch, they generally stick to the water.
- Found - In the lake.
Panderichthys- Length - 90-130 cm
- Diet - small fish and like creatures
- Behaviour - Another prehistoric fish, Panderichthys tended to burrow in mud, waiting for prey to come by. Panderichthys possesses a spiracle which allows it to breathe through the top of its head while submerged in mud.
- Amount - A whole bunch.
- Found - In the lake where they generally stick to the shallow parts, burrowed in the mud.
WATER (outside the bubble)
Liopleurodon- Length - 6.4 meters / 21 feet
- Diet - Fish, other plesiosaurs.
- Behaviour - The apex predator of the middle to late Jurassic seas, Liopleurodon is an ambush hunter, using its four giant flippers to quickly propel itself forward and catch prey. It cannot keep up this speed for very long however.
- Amount - One!
- Found - Outside of the bubble, looking at you.
Mosasaurus- Length - 10 meters
- Diet - Fish, other mosasaurus.
- Behaviour - Mosasaurus was not as deep a diver as Liopleurodon, instead prefering to stay closer to the surface. It uses its powerful tail as well as serpetine undulation to move swiftly through the water
- Amount - One!
- Found - Outside of the bubble, looking at you.