May Flowers

May 04, 2005 16:09

If you're interested in the latest at Hot Diggity!, check this out.

You asked for more political stuff (you being the great YOU, of course, not necessarily you in specific), so at long last, our May t-shirt-of-the-month:
Hot Diggity
(Ha Ha! See how I tricked you into visiting our website too? I'm sly like that.) As always, you can order the shirt online or at Hot Diggity! 501 N. Neil St. Champaign, IL 61820. The cost is $8 for youth S-adult XL or $9 for adult 2XL or 3XL. Design will be printed on black shirts. They are pre-order/pre-pay (order on or before the 15th) and should be available around May 16th...just in time for the big Star Wars Premiere.

Speaking of our webstore, we need your help getting the word out about it. No, please don't blitzkrieg all of your friends with unwanted mass mailings, but we would greatly appreciate it if you'd help us spread the word to people who you think could benefit from a little Hot Diggity! fun in their lives. Our web address is . To shop, click on the button labeled "Store." Also, please let me know if you have any difficulties shopping. Have you loved your local business today? :)

Hope to see you soon!

Jennifer Bechtel
Hot Diggity!
501 N. Neil (corner of Neil & Washington)
Downtown Champaign
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