Well, the wife and I went to see the remake of King Kong this evening. Hopefully my butt will recover. I don't know if Peter is capable of making a film under 3 hours any longer. :o) Anyway, in a nutshell, I quite enjoyed the film. I mean, it wasn't without its flaws, but then what isn't?
To begin with, I think the first part of the film, as they were getting up to the island, was slow. I'm willing to let the film take its time, however, because it is a homage to a different time, where the pace of life was different, but he probably could have sped things up a bit, and it stood in stark contrast to the next part fo the film which in some regards went too fast.
The Island part was great, even though they breezed through the interactions with the villagers. The interior scenes were very intense. Some of the special effects were a little flawed. The matting in the brontosauraus scene was obvious, but the T-Rex scene was superb. And the spider pit scene. Ewwwwwwww!
The interplay between Kong and Ann was very good. The crew did wonderful work in helping Kong emote, and Naomi did a good job playing to a computer image. I didn't really see the connection between Jack and Ann. Adrien did a fine job, but there was no chemistry between him and Naomi, even though we are supposed to see it from his side.
I'm glad they didn't try to update the film and make it more contemperary. It is a story that belongs completely to that time, and it was nice to see that he left it there. As an homage to the original, I think Peter did a great job.