Title: The Day the Weather Broke
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG-13
Length: 219 words
yavannauk The Day the Weather Broke
by Thamiris
There are a thousand words in Rodney's mouth.
Standing in the rain before this box-thing that broke the weather, John gets about one word in ten, and not just because Rodney's speaking techno-babble. It's how Rodney's chin juts out, how his head tilts back like he's still the shortest super-geek in the class.
Rodney's still blasting words when John cuts him off. "Is this going to take long?"
"I'm sorry," Rodney snaps. "Are you bored with genius in action? Should I throw in a little soft shoe to keep you entertained?"
John says nothing.
Rodney glares.
John keeps saying nothing. Sometimes geniuses are a little slow.
The computer begins to purr behind Rodney's eyes. Persecution-fantasies are filed away. "Oh," he finally says, like he did the last time, like he's six and there really is a fat guy in a red suit shimmying down the chimney.
"Yes: oh."
"Because you don't mean...Because you're trying to...This is about sex, right? We're going to have sex again?"
Rodney bends over the controls, fingers tapping. Ten seconds pass until he straightens. The rain stops. "Done." He's blinking, maybe from the sun. Maybe not. But, because Rodney finds shutting up congenitally impossible, the geyser threaten to blow--
Then there are no words left in Rodney's mouth. John makes sure of it.
The End
Title: Nothing Like the Sun
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Remus/Sirius (Marauders Era)
Rating: NC-17
Length: 694 words
amberlynne Nothing Like the Sun
by Thamiris
No one says the wrong thing like Sirius. It's the Black in him embedding razors in his words.
"Don't be stupid," Remus says, and stares resolutely at the sun, hoping it will bleach the images, the remains of old nightmares, already creeping from the dark.
Sirius interrupts the process by leaning over him, pushing his face close. "Just do it."
"I don't want to. Ask James when he comes back." Sirius has a brightness worse than the sun, and Remus closes his eyes--then opens them quickly when Sirius' images come. There's panic now, the low-level kind that strikes a few nights before the full moon, and he shoves Sirius away. Not that Sirius stops, just inches back to sit beside him on the grass. The day's no longer what it should be.
"I don't know why you're kicking up a fuss. Just thirty seconds of it. Just to see..."
"You're going to live forever, so what's the point?"
"It's just a game."
"I don't want to play." This is the firmest no Remus has ever given, and even Sirius, who can be thick as a Hogwart's wall, should know to back off.
"It's because you don't care, then. That's why you won't. You don't want me to know that it doesn't bother you to think of it."
No, Remus think, Sirius is nothing like the sun. He's the moon, unleashing dark ugly truths from him. "Fine," Remus says. "Fine. I'll do it. Just remember: you asked." The last thing Remus sees before he shuts his eyes is Sirius' odd, hungry, hopeful look.
Then the sun falls and the moon splits into a thousand pieces and there's nothing but rage and fear and flaying pain. The black air reaches inside him, tears out his heart, eats it, then pushes him into the world, which is filth and icy chaos. James and Lily are there, red-eyed but together, hands clasped, and they don't see him, no one sees him, he's alone and monstrous, alone and immolating, alone, alone, alone--
The voice pulls him out, but it's not enough. The sun's not enough, the grass and the trees and Hogwarts stolid in the background, all not enough. He's still colder than ice, still undead, and only one thing can save him, only one thing...
He moves, reaches, takes. Sirius on his back, Remus above him, pinning him down, kissing, first time, animal- rough, trying to hold onto what he lost, trying to bring Sirius into him so he can never leave, never die. Oh God, never die...
And the kiss isn't enough, and he shouldn't be doing this, unbuttoning Sirius' trousers, and bending to...Hot flesh in his mouth, and if Sirius weren't hard he'd stop, if Sirius weren't stroking his hair and murmuring, "Yes, finally, do it, Moony, don't stop ever."
It's almost enough, filled like this, defying Death, defying everything to have what he's wanted somewhere so deep even the moon never reached it. Nothing else, no one else matters, just this, just Sirius alive and hotter than the sun in Remus' mouth, his eyes wide and his body curved like a rainbow.
He's sucking so hard he misses the signs, and then it happens: for one perfect slice of time he's more alive than he's ever been, than he ever will be, as he gives up his own life and swallows Sirius' own. It's inside him now, and he'll guard it, keep it always, protection against the unthinkable.
"Moony," Sirius says, a different Sirius, no Black left, and he pulls Remus up beside him. "I'm sorry. Sort of. It was the only way. You keep everything locked too tight. Next time--"
"There's going to be a next time?"
Sirius grins, straightening his clothes, smoothing Remus' hair. "Well, not right away, given the state of things. I hope I won't have to resort to such drastic measures."
"You wanted this?"
"Of course, you moon-blind git! I did everything but issue a formal invitation."
Even rolling his eyes, Sirius is the most handsome boy in the world. "Because," he says, and whispers in Remus' ear.
No one says the right thing like Sirius Black.
The End