ew! what the hell. since when did mcc get so particular! also, I AM COMING HOME ON FRIDAY UNTIL TUESDAY. that means, first and foremost, and we, you and i, sydneh and drewsif, are having a sleepover and/or hanging out. but i really really really really really really REALLY want to have a sleepover. so mark your calander/break plans because you're hanging out with meeeee!
cuz i have to go out with a bunch of co workers on saturday night...i have blown them off a few times.... so............yeha. i have to work at liuke 930 sunday morning....but that's alright, i'm going out anyways....hahaha
YAY!!!!! we could also do something sunday night, if you like, i don;t have to bve up for sachool till 9 on mondays.
Comments 2
cuz i have to go out with a bunch of co workers on saturday night...i have blown them off a few times....
i have to work at liuke 930 sunday morning....but that's alright, i'm going out anyways....hahaha
YAY!!!!! we could also do something sunday night, if you like, i don;t have to bve up for sachool till 9 on mondays.
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