You get two-for-one today, because I was slack yesterday. Lucky, lucky you.
Day 4: Least favourite female character and why.
I'm indifferent to a fair few female characters: Alecto Carrow, for being a really half-arsed attempt at female Death Eater inclusion (leaving Bella as the token female would've been more or less the same in terms of affecting the storyline) and all of the female students bar Luna Lovegood. But the one I wanted to be taken out in DH was Hermione. She went from being a character I identified with to being, exactly as Snape says, an "insufferable know-it-all." The way she continually spouted advice and knowledge got so tiresome, and her attitude towards Ron was just patronising. It's like having a second mother following them around - not the kind who will keep you safe, but the type that will criticise everything you do. Her torture scene with Bellatrix was a high point for me.
I honestly think she should have died in the course of the book because someone needed to go from the trio, honestly. How three kids survived all of that - and particularly how she avoided being killed by both Greyback and Bellatrix - was completely unbelievable.
Also not fond of Tonks-in-love, ugh. She had such promise before.
Day 5: Favourite male character and why.
Snape, for being sarcastic and evil and witty and clever and snarky and playing fifty different roles and all the while having been a lonely, bullied little boy and a man who lost everything and had to start again. As an awkward, bullied teenager and getting more into the books, I stopped feeling so isolated and unhappy because my biggest idol of the time had been in the same position. I tend to love the tortured antiheroes - Javert from Les Mis is another of my favourites, as is Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights - because they offer a broader range of emotions and experience than the purely good or evil. Snape couldn't help having to dress as he did, as he couldn't help the position he ended up in. Easily the most complex and most brilliant character in the series.
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