Title: In The Wrong Light
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Bellatrix Lestrange
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Fingering, brief genital abuse, possible non-con.
Word count: 1,957
Summary: A post-Azkaban Bellatrix languishes in a spare room in Malfoy Manor. Lucius naturally believes he knows a cure for her erratic behaviour.
A/N: Originally this opened with Lucius failing
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Comments 15
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Thank you tonnes for your feedback and the rec in quibbler_report, too!
Utterly fucking delicious, perfect, and amazing.
This may be the best Bella-post Azkaban I've read. You wrote her the way she should/would be, recovering from fourteen years of mental torment and loneliness and every other tribulation she faced in prison. A lot, myself included, tend to think she'd be this strong woman on day one of release, but I think your version is way more accurate. Plus there are great hints of the canon Bella.
Lucius...oh my. Such a caring brother-in-law...I love how he deals with her. It's so right for the both of them, and the little observations he makes is just so Lucius. I also greatly enjoyed the little hints of Narcissa, and comparing her to Bella ( ... )
"Some of my favorite lines:
-Narcissa was more obedient but teaching was his forte."
THAT line was hell - I was like, "I love this line, but... is it too random?" and then I tried taking it out and I missed it, so it went back in and then got moved around a bit and then just got left there... I'm insanely happy that you like it. I'm insanely happy about everything you said. I'm insane, full stop.
Ahem... what do you like the idea of Lucius doing, you know, if I were to hypothetically write this hypothetical little sequel for you? *Innocent smile*
I personally enjoyed the bit about Narcissa being obedient because well I like her, but also, with the other little hints about his wife, such as Bella wearing her clothes, it just fit so nicely IMO.
What would I like Lucius to do...hmmm. This requires some thinking. I don't know, honestly!
The funny thing is, when first encountering Narcissa I didn't particularly care for her; then she grew on me, rapidly. Her and Bella have such a fascinating dynamic.
I'm starting to wonder what she'd do if she walked in on Bella "earning her wand back" from the master of the house.
*Shifty eyes*
...But seriously, this is wonderful praise. I always feel like I'm about to take a shot in the dark with what I make her say but I suppose the uncertainty of it all suits her mental state to perfection. Thank you so much for reading and commenting!
Incidentally I had a peek at your journal and the Parseltongue on the paperwork leads me to believe that you're hilarious.
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