Title: A Duty of Care, Part I
Characters: Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Very brief mention of smoking if anyone is sensitive to that sort of thing.
Word count: 1006
Summary: Narcissa Malfoy steps in to gather the jagged little pieces and hold them together.
A Duty of Care, Part I )
Comments 3
Squeeee. I can't wait until your busyness stops and you can continue this, because I like your strong!Narcissa and weak!Bella. And I wonder just what Narcissa's plan is. The scene between her and Lucius was lovely.
I really like how you describe what's happening. I pretty much just fall into your fics and all else gets blocked out until I read the last word.
Rest assured, there are more Cissy/Lucius moments coming up, because I really enjoy writing them!
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