The the hell thanh... I been sendin' your ass text messages up the yin-yang, wondering why I wasn't gettin anything in response. Though tfor a while, you were too busy with that jonny dood. Whered it get jacked at kiddo??
It was stolen at work. I accidentally left it out on those glass tables in the front of the store. Someone that walked into the store jacked it. I can't believe you thought that someone, even though a boy, could make it so that I was "too busy" to answer a text message! I'm NOT like that. But uh...thanks for all the texts, I guess! :).
Aint gota lie ta kick it!peanutbuttrJuly 24 2003, 10:54:21 UTC
You sure you were sendin them up the yin-yang or just one or two? Cuuzzz.. pretty much anyone could say that. Like ME! You stole my bit. JK BABE! I totally did text you Thanh- cuz we were actually in the middle of a text-versation. So HAH Greg.
Re: Aint gota lie ta kick it!thanhJuly 25 2003, 00:23:29 UTC
Haha! It's ok. I already know Greg was lying anyway. (psst. It's a lil habit of his.) But he still made me feel good by saying that anyway...too bad it wasn't true, tho!
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