Title: 'I Am Troy's Complete Surprise'
that_1_incidentFandom: High School Musical
Rating: G
Characters: Ryan Evans, Troy Bolton
Word Count: 100
Summary: Drama class. Ninth grade, back when it was mandatory.
Disclaimer: I don’t own HSM, obvs.
Author's Notes: Written for
hsm_100 (prompt: snow). I actually want this to happen for real.
Incidentally, sorry I didn't write for last week's prompt, guys. All my free time (and most of my not-free time) was taken up with writing
the 20,000-word Tryan behemoth known as 'Start of Something New'.
Drama class. Ninth grade, back when it was mandatory. The improv prompt is “snow” so Troy vaguely mimes throwing a snowball, following the lead of most of his classmates (the exception being Sharpay, who does this complicated interpretative dance that nobody really gets). Her brother’s up next, and Troy’s expecting something similar.
Ryan steps into the circle, tiny and delicate but almost swaggering. “Listen up, maggots. You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.”
Troy’s mouth falls open. “You like… F-fight Club?”
They’ve been friends ever since.